Can We Truly Avoid Non-GMO Foods 100% ?

The history of genetically modified foods (and organisms) is a long and complex one.  The role of Monsanto (a corporation that began in 1901) in the creation of GMO seeds & the well known Round-Up herbicide as well as the chemical weapon agent orange (yes, agent orange) is also an ENORMOUSLY long topic to touch upon here. So if you’re not so familiar with either Monsanto or GMO’s please cozy up with some tea and check these documentaries out for free on YouTube below to get you up to speed on why may folks would like to avoid GMOs in their foods:

Food Inc 

The World According to Monsanto 

The fight against non-GMO foods began around the 1980’s. More recently during the last 20+ years or so, there has been an outcry & demand for GMO labeling.  The bottom line is that people have a right to know ALL of the ingredients in their food and whether any are genetically modified. Full disclosure is a right. Or is should be, but it’s not yet. GMO labeling has not passed yet but some companies have opted to join the Verified NON-GMO project and be assessed and verified to be non-GMO &  to then have a seal placed on their food products to let customers know that they pledge not to use GMO ingredients. To me this says it all. Companies that are listening to the public and taking a step for them to label their product without the aid of our government is an incredible act. We vote with our $$$ and these are the companies we should & can support to avoid GMOs on our dinner table.  And in the same breath, not all companies choose to make this step, for financial reasons or other AND this does not cover produce or bulk grains and most meat, cheese and other dairy products.


This week I posted (to Facebook) a listing of many common name brand foods (all processed dead food by the way) that were found to have levels of Round-up herbicide within the product.  Several people piped up in concern about products they regularly eat and being very surprised at this news. But guess what? These products were not certified organic and were not non-GMO verified. So…. the lesson here?

We can’t wait for the government to allow non-GMO labels to our foods.

If you are concerned about consuming pesticides, herbicides & GMO ingredients, there is a simple solution: Buy ONLY organic & non-GMO seal verified products. AND assume that anything you buy that is not certified organic or non-GMO DOES HAVE GMO ingredients & possibly traces of pesticeds & herbicides. There truly is no other way around it, and well, I hate to say it but it’s common sense….



May I ask you this: Is there ANYTHING more important in this world than YOUR health and the health of your FAMILY and the health of the EARTH, the one planet we are able to exist upon?

don’t think there is.

With health, we either pay now with healthy foods, herbs & supplements PREEMPTIVELY or pay later with Dr. bills & hospital visits.   You are worth this investment.

We vote with our money every single day. And the more we put our money towards making our lives healthier & happier, and the more others follow suit by seeing us lead by example, the more affordable ALL of it will be. That’s a promise.

This leads me to the hard truth of all of this. Can we ever really truly be free of herbicides, pesticides & GMOs? No. I don’t think we can. Not at least for a long while. Too much damage has been done.

Monsanto and similar companies have been spewing their poisons around the world for decades upon decades. Their GMO seeds are spread by small animals and birds from state to state, country to country. Their Roundup Ready crop’s pollen are spread by the wind, by pollinators (if they’re not killed first) and the rain for miles on end.

This is not me just being morbid…. although this fact weighs so very heavy on the heart. This is me reiterating the importance of making powerful decisions in your life. What do you want to support? How will you live your best life?

Making choices while in the grocery store to support companies that also care about your health & the health of the planet and are taking the extra step to let you know with their labels… they need us!

Local farms you can talk to about your concerns about organics, pesticides & GMO’s who use these standards… they need our support!

Growing YOUR OWN food with your own hands… even if it’s in a pot on the window sill or fire escape… it makes a difference and sends a message.

Health is a choice, it’s your choice. And even though we may not be able to protect ourselves completely from foods that don’t always promote our healthiest minds and bodies, we can do the very best we can, one step at a time.


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