Have you ever walked into a room of people and felt immediately overjoyed by the energy you felt or perhaps repelled & unsettled?
Since everything & everyone emits a unique energy, it’s our job to tune into what energy we connect to and serves our lives & what energies do not.
Whether at work, with friends & family or even with yourself, boundaries are fundamental for a happy & healthy life.
This workshop offers lifelong tools & practices including plant & crystal allies, meditations & rituals that will aid in instilling loving boundaries in one’s life that serves you as well as everyone around you.
Each participant will go home with a magickal boundaries talisman that they will craft themselves.
No single experience of pregnancy loss is alike, and each one is deserving of love, space & support for processing & healing.
This workshop will offer a safe space for exactly that.
The physical , emotional & spiritual trauma from this loss are real, deep & often continue for months if not years beyond a loss.
Whether the pregnancy loss was recent or years ago, Healing The Chalice offers a safe space to share experiences of pregnancy loss while also learning about plant allies that can support us physically, emotionally & spiritually through our healing & grief.
Teas, elixirs, steams, oils & essences will be experienced & DIY recipes shared.
Participants will have the opportunity to create a sculpted clay memorial piece to honor their loss which can be used as an altar piece or for prayer & meditation as a touchstone for their spirit baby.
All Folks Who Have Experienced Physical Pregnancy Loss Welcome.