It’s true. I love cheese. I’ve tried and tried to break up with it, but I just don’t think I have it in me. Or maybe I do have it in me, but just wouldn’t want to live life without it.
Yes, I’m that dramatic when it comes to my love of food.
Although I do my best to live in a gray world ( I don’t believe “black and white” really exists), I find it’s in my nature to go to extremes and find it hard to find a happy medium at times.
I’ve been vegan, played around with “raw”, done lots of different cleanses, elmination diets, been sugar free and tried some fasts, but in the end, I just to listen to my body, mind and spirit and do my best to find that happy medium to come back to that makes me feel my best.
It’s a day to day journey- but it’s something I always strive for.
Okay so why am I going on about my love of moldy milk?
Because it’s time to talk ALLERGY SEASON! Oh yes, and as my title foreshadows; Cheese, Nettle and the Neti pot are all key players in keeping our bodies happy & healthy during allergy season.
AND the trick is to start NOW- preventatively looking at what we can do for allergies- not waiting until the first symptoms appear. (There are lot’s of different kinds of allergies out there today- so right now I’m talking the sniffley, sneezey, congested, red eyed- sinus discomfort kinda allergies.)
No matter if allergies are a year round struggle for you or just during the Spring or Fall, I have some super simple tips that will help you better fare your allergy woes.
First thing’s first. What typically exacerbates allergies? The well known offenders are mold, various pollen, mites, dust & pets.
As a lot of folks are finding out, diet is a huge contributer to allergy symptoms as well. Dairy of all kinds, refined sugar, all soy products and for some folks refined wheat are also all ENORMOUS offenders of creating more mucous in our body.
When we are sniffling and congested the last thing we need is to be adding more mucous into the picture.
If you don’t believe me enjoy a big fat bowl of ice cream. Afterwards tell me if your nose starts to drip or if you start getting a “frog” in your throat.
Or try a healthy dose of your favorite homemade mac and cheese and see how you feel after that.
I guarantee that even if you aren’t necessarily susceptible to allergy symptoms you’ll still experience at least a sniffle or sneeze.
I know it’s so sad for us food lovers. But I’m not here to tell you to STOP eating the food you love. I’m here to teach you what you’re triggers might be and to encourage you to check in with your body when you eat to see who your offenders might be. Then once you know, the decision is yours:)
Okay, so maybe now you’re clearer on what your allergy triggers are.
Now, what can you do to manage- and even hopefully prevent the unpleasant symptoms?
The neti pot is your best friend. I REPEAT; the neti pot is your best friend.
If you haven’t made friends with a neti pot yet, I suggest you do so STAT. Truly, I promise, it will change your life.
Check out my video on how not scary and super easy the neti pot is. Hey, if my mom can do it ( and she does!) anyone can!
The neti pot’s role is to flush out the sinus cavities-plain and simple. We are inhaling various germs and microbes, dust, pollen and hundreds of other possibly irritating particles on a daily basis. And if we tend to be congested in our nasal and sinus cavities, that means all of those particles are getting stuck up there!
No good.
The neti pot gently and effectively clears the nose and sinuses and it seriously only takes 5 minutes of your time daily. For real. I use mine almost every single day- and when I skip- I notice and wished I hadn’t.
An added perk to my neti pot use is that when I have my moments of sugar and dairy binge-ing ( yes, it does happen, I won’t pretend to be perfect.) I am able to bring my mucous levels back to normal within a day or two depending on how overboard my indulging went. The neti is an amazing ally to have for everyone- allergy sufferers or not.
Finally let’s not forget our herbal allies! If you know me, then you know I adore Nettle (Urtica dioica).
I use it for just about everything- but did you know it’s a natural antihistamine? Well it’s true! Not only is Nettle a rich green, mineral & vitamin packed herb that nourishes and supports whole overall body, it also fights off histamine responses from allergies! Horray! Goldenrod and Eyebright are also great allergy fighters, but I just don’t think they taste as good:).
Liver support is also of enormous importance when it comes to allergies and my go-to herb for the liver is… yes, you guessed it good ole’ Lion’s tooth aka Dandelion root!
Nettle and Dandelion root are wonderful combined as a strong tea steeped overnight and drunk the following day or taken as liquid tincture. With chronic conditions (which allergies tend to be), my preference is always tea/infusions- but I get that tea’s are not always convenient. Just don’t forget the water/hyrdration element (so important!)!
If you are in the thick of allergies and you want to get an immediate herbal blast then by all means go ahead and take a dropper of herbal tincture directly in your mouth- but if your going for prevention, then squirt a couple droppers of tincture into your water bottle and drink it all day. This way you get the herbs and the hydration too.
Fresh Ginger & lemon are also your allies as they support the liver & warm and move the body (promote circulation & detox!). Do add those to your water daily for even more herbal support- plus they’re delicious too.
The time to start is now! Don’t wait, spring is just over a week away! Have a talk with your food, introduce yourself to some herbs and don’t forget to go out and get your neti pot!
My Love Of Stinging Nettle, The Neti Pot & Cheese