What is Restorative Reiki you ask?
It’s the simple but profound combination of restorative yoga postures and a Reiki treatment happening simultaneously.
Restorative yoga is a bit of a broad term, so to be clear, I use postures developed by Judith Lasater in her definition of Restorative Yoga.
In a nutshell restorative yoga postures are versions of savasana otherwise known as corpse pose. These poses are meant to invite complete and total relaxation to the physical body and encourage that relaxation to enter the mind as well. Poses are “held” for 15-25 minutes.
During an RR Session…
~You must be able to remain in stillness for up to 25 min. at a time with eyes closed (it’s okay if you fall asleep:) some people do!)
~These Private Sessions run from 1 & 1/2- 2hrs long and will include up to 3 different restorative postures each session.
~You must sit down and stand back up from the floor with relative ease. (I will be there to assist.)
~RR involves lots of “props”. I will use lots of blankets, pillows, towels and yoga blocks- a funny mish-mash of stuff!
~Your job will be to give me lots of feedback so that I can offer as much comfort as possible in each of the restorative poses, as well as simply being open to receiving the Reiki as you surrender into postures.
-With your permission I may incorporate the use of crystals, essential oils and or flower essences to aid in supporting you during the session.
~As with all sessions with me, there will be a “check in” and “check out” before and after sessions to discuss, share and answer questions and concerns as well as discuss feedback for me and this new offering.
~As with all of my programs, I find single drop ins are simply dipping a toe in the water. So,I’ll ask you to commit to 3-5 sessions of RR.
3 Session Restorative Reiki Package (6+hrs. Total includes follow up emails with detailed session notes) $311.00.00
5 Session Restorative Reiki Package (10+hrs. Total includes follow up emails with detailed session notes) $463.00