5 Medicinal Plants Anyone Can Grow

Growing medicinal herbs can sometimes be intimidating to the beginner gardener. But there are plenty of plants that will thrive and spread with minimal care & effort. However, firstly you want to make sure you don’t ALREADY have some magically medicinal plants in your yard & garden. If you want a private Wild Weed Consult to see what may be lurking on your property, you can do so here.

After you know what you’ve got, you can decide what other friends to invite to your space. Here are 5 of my favorites:

1. Lemon Balm:

Prayers Instead Of Curses

Feeling wronged, betrayed, abandoned, hurt, rejected, discriminated against, judged, criticized or even violated… life brings us lots of situations, traumas & people who are just downright unpleasant. They are horrible to experience, and more often than not, they are hard to let go of. Things can fester. We hold on to beliefs about situations & people that maybe even aren’t our own, but have been absorbed by another. We replay these painful experiences in our minds. Experiences that make us fearful or angry or sad & alone. We hold on to grudges & we gossip about the people who made us feel bad. We often project hateful & negative thoughts & emotions about the individuals we feel we feel wronged us.

When In Doubt… Listen

In every single session I’ve had with a client, one practice is brought up time and time again…. Meditation. Wait! Stop! Before you say to yourself “I’ve heard this before… I can’t meditate, I tried.. OR Meditation is for hippies or I fall asleep, or I’m not Buddhist”… or any other excuse your mind is giving you to navigate away from this page… I beg you to hear me out.

If you’re picturing someone sitting in lotus pose on a mountain chanting “OM” and think that is the only way to meditate…thankfully you’re wrong lol! There are so many different ways to meditate- some simple and some complex, but all super effective.

Effective for what you might ask? Why the heck would you want to meditate at all

7 Things To Create More Peace, Ease & Health In Your Autumn

1.Check In With Your Hydration & Not Just Water.

Are you drinking 1/2 your healthy body weight of pure filtered water in ounces each day? Are you loading up on your healthy fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, nut butters, oils (unrefined coconut, olive, etc), wild salmon, cod, sardines, spirulina & supplementing with Omega 3?  Hydration of water & fats is sooooo important especially when we’re moving into Autumn or Vata Season.  Our environment becomes cooler & drier as the season presses toward Winter, and so do we. Staying lubricated is a must for getting ahead of cold and flu season with a strong immune system.

Fire Cider Is the People’s Medicine~ Make Your OWN!

I love my herbal community. We are a bunch of loving, brilliant, fiery, passionate, opinionated, strong, compassionate, confident, stubborn, chatty, mother Earth loving, forces to be reckoned with. That being said, we’re still human, and we don’t always make the best decisions. And sometimes we let our egos get in the way, cause well, we’re […]