Chakras Have Nothing To Do With Reiki

Chakras Have Nothing To Do With Reiki

It’s true. While using the knowledge of the chakras can deepen our ability to help facilitate deeper empowered healing for ones self & others, the traditional teachings of Dr. Mikaomi Usui did not teach or use the chakra system as we Know it AT ALL. It wasn’t until Hawayo Takata (who brought Reiki to Hawaii from Japan), passed away that her “Master Teacher Students” began to utilize, share & teach the chakra system as it could relate to Reiki work in the late 70’s.

Love For Jupiter’s Labyrinth: Testimonials

I highly recommend Amanda to anyone who is looking for a highly skilled practitioner. She has an abundance of knowledge in many modalities including the use of herbs, ayruvedic health, energy work, crystals, flower essences, is able to easily connect with one’s power animals, as well as provide practical down-to-earth coaching skills. She is compassionate, a good listener, and easy to work with. From the moment I met her at my first session, I could tell she was totally committed to helping. With each visit, I receive exactly what I need.

Inviting Change

This is such an important factor in the health & healing field. When I launched my biz as Lion’s Tooth Herbals in 2006, my catch phrase was “You Are Your Own Best Healer.” And it’s the truth. No one can heal you- TRULY heal you,  but yourself. Yes, you can seek out professional advice, be given drugs or herbs or surgeries, but YOU are responsible for taking care yourself & creating the lasting change of health. There are no quick fixes that last. The lifelong work is always ours to choose over & over again, and always worth while when we decide to choose it.

Why Don’t We Prioritize Ourselves FIRST?

Why is it so hard to choose ourselves first? 

I felt this way pre-motherhood, but I’m feeling it even more now.

I always feel ‘better” when I’m productive, ie; I’ve cleaned the house, meal prepped, returned emails, sent a newsletter or posted to IG, did laundry, worked on classes, cooked dinner, worked on a podcast, made some client blends…
Any of this sound like taking care of myself- directly? Nope.

A Birth Story

Leida (pronounced “Lay-dah”) Maeve Stanley was born on July 10th at 9:04pm at 7.7lbs & 19.5 ins of pure amazing-ness.

First thing is first: Mommas- you are AMAZING.

I don’t care if you birthed with an epidural or without, with the help of Pitocin or without, with induction or without, by c- section or vaginally- you are a ridiculously powerful & miraculous human being- period.