It’s Okay To Say @#$% It.

Life can be rough, man.

And honestly, I’m sick of people saying “Suck it up.” Is that truly helpful, or are they just saying we should “stuff it” all “away”.  I believe it’s the later.

Sometimes it’s okay to NOT be okay.

It’s okay to get pissed, to be crushed, to want to SCREAM, to want to wail like a 2 yr old who dropped their ice cream cone on the hot pavement… It’s okay.

You Are Loved. Happy Belated Love Day.

You are.
By your friends, your family, your pets, your partner, your lover… Maybe you’re reading this and thinking “All of my human relationships SUCK right now-she’s wrong.”
Nope. I’m right. You are loved.
You are loved by the Stars & the Moon, the Sun and the Mother Earth. And one thing I know FOR SURE, is that you are loved by the plants.
It’s true. Plants love us and are always looking for ways to help us, guide us & strengthen us on our path of life. How do I know? Because the plants remind me of this on a regular basis. And yes, plants communicate. If you don’t believe me, don’t worry… I’ll be offering some plant spirit communication classes this Spring & Summer, so you can come experience it for yourself…stay tuned.