It’s Okay To Say @#$% It.

Life can be rough, man.

And honestly, I’m sick of people saying “Suck it up.” Is that truly helpful, or are they just saying we should “stuff it” all “away”.  I believe it’s the later.

Sometimes it’s okay to NOT be okay.

It’s okay to get pissed, to be crushed, to want to SCREAM, to want to wail like a 2 yr old who dropped their ice cream cone on the hot pavement… It’s okay.

In fact, I think it’s better than okay, I think it’s part of the healing process. To give yourself time & space to FEEL. To feel it all. To let the emotions move within you and then through you. To talk about it, write about it, punch it out (with a punching bag of course!), process it in a way that eventually frees you.

There’s a quote (I wish I could remember who termed it…) that says, “Life’s experiences don’t happen TO YOU, they happen FOR YOU.” And I believe it. The Universe never gives us anything we can’t handle and that won’t make us stronger, more compassionate, more amazing human beings.

Life’s experiences are hard. Horrific, excruciating, unthinkable things happen to people every single day. We all, as they say are “Fighting our own battles”. Truth.

There is no way past these struggles, other than through the terrifyingly dark tunnel of these challenges. And if we give ourselves the space and time to move through our personal tunnels, we will start to see the fleck of light grow brighter at the other side- and that’s a promise.

So, please I beg of you, whatever you’re battling right now- whatever it is, let yourself  say “@#$% it”.

Give yourself what YOU need while you process it.

~Practice saying NO.

~Give yourself permission to feel and express (ask loved one’s for space if needed)

~Don’t put a timeline on it…we all process life’s challenges at different rates. Give it time.

~Give yourself permission to simply “Not Be Okay”, for awhile. It’s okay to be a mess.

~Remind yourself that ” This too shall pass” & that “The only constant in life is CHANGE.”

~ Say “@#$% it” especially to other people’s opinions of you. It doesn’t matter what people think. Those who love you will love you hard. Those who aren’t truly “your people” won’t. Thank them for it, because they’re doing you a favor by letting you know who they are- not for you.

~ Most importantly love yourself. I Repeat. Love yourself. Look in the mirror and say it everyday: “I love you as you are, right here, right now, perfectly imperfect. Everything is going to be okay.”

And then make yourself some Love Tea as much as possible. 🙂

I love you. You’re amazing. You’re doing everything right. Keep going. You’ve got this. @#$% it. xoxoA



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