A Glimpse At Pitta Dosha

In a nutshell according to ayurveda, there are three doshas or energies that make our own individual selves as well as the nature that surrounds us. Vata, pitta and kapha are these three energies.  Each and every one of us has all three doshas within us-  we simply have them in different amounts genetically determined at birth.

However, when our environments, especially through the seasons, are more pronounced with a certain dosha-like  in the summer (pitta season), we’ll find that our own personal dosha that matches this season will rear its sometimes ugly head.

Here are some signs your pitta may be overactive:

Your mental state may be:






hot headed/temper

Physically you may see signs of~

skin rashes/outbreaks

eyes are sensitive to light

tendency toward diarrhea (soft sometimes yellowish stools with food particles)

feel constantly thirsty

bad breath

acid reflux

canker sores

Depending on how much pitta makes up your unique constitution, you may experience some of these things on a regular basis or perhaps more so in this summer season.

Simple Tips to Reign Your Pitta Back to Balance

Drink lots of cool water with lime and or mint

Take cool showers and make time to swim! The ocean is particularly balancing to all constitutions…

Surround yourself in calm environments & beauty.

Get your bare feet on the ground and reconnect to Nature.

Avoid people and situations that get under your skin.. if possible. This includes watching the news!

“Unfollow” people who use social media to “troll” and be negative. You don’t need that crap 🙂

Eat naturally sweet, astringent and bitter foods. For all of you raw foodies out there, summer is the best time to eat raw as we have that extra pitta heat  to help us digest! (Unless you’re dealing with a digestive imbalance.. then eat COOKED foods!)

Avoid direct sunlight especially between 12-2pm.

Choose to exercise early in the morning or after the sun sets and choose movement  that is more cooling like swimming, or restorative/ gentle yoga.

Make a strong Lavender or Rose (or both!) tea (2 teaspoons of herb to 8oz hot water steeped overnight) strain and put into a spray bottle, keep refrigerated and spritz  your face and body after being out in the sun~ it’s super calming for the mind and nourishing to the skin.

Breathe, often~ and with intention! Breath is the best way to calm over active flames in whatever form they show up:)

Meditate. Nothing resets the mind-body like 20 minutes of mindfulness.

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