What Are Flower Essences?

Flower essences (SHOP HERE ) were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in 1930’s and are now widely used by many different types of health care practitioners. Flower essences are subtle but powerful “vibrational” remedies that affect us on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. SHOP FLOWER ESSENCES

All disease begins in the mind and spirit before manifesting in the physical body as disease so, using flower essences can be an integral part of health and healing. The power of flower essences can be hard to wrap our critical brains around.

Being similar to homeopathic remedies, if you were to look at a flower essence remedy under a microscope, you would see only water and a fixative and no actual plant material. This is because we are working with the vibrational energy of that flower alone.

The Flower Essence Society describes it well in their Flower Essence Repertory Guide: “The action of flower essences can be compared to the effects we experience from hearing a particularly moving piece of music, or seeing an inspiration work of art. The light or sound waves which reach our senses may evoke profound feelings in our soul, which indirectly affect our breathing, pulse rate and other physical states…it is the contour and arrangement of the light or sound which awakens an experience within our own soul, similar to that which arose within the soul of the creator of the music or art form.”(Flower Essence Repertory 2004, p7).

Trust your intuition when you are choosing a flower essence for yourself. We are almost always drawn to the ones that we need the most. And or consult a healthcare practitioner for guidance. Flower essences are very safe, do not interfere with other medications or herbs and can be used in a variety of ways.

-Drink throughout the day in water or tea
-Put a few drops in the tub
-Spray in the air with your favorite essential oil blend
-Massage into skin
-Take directly under the tongue

Less is more with flower essences. 1 drop will feel more powerful than 5 drops. 1-5 drops per dose is a good place to start unless otherwise guided by your health care practitioner.
For further guidance, please contact me anytime:
603-969-4603 jupiterslabyrinth@gmail.com

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