You’re Doing Everything Right.

This is a friendly reminder that you are doing everything right.
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be doing what you’re supposed to be doing.
Every step, every decision, every act, every “mistake”, every job, person, apartment, place, and even pet that comes into your life, was put there for a reason.
No matter how joyful, how terrible, how fun or how excruciating moments in life can be, they are all bringing you to a better, grander, more authentic, more bliss-filled version of yourself.

How do I know? I just do. From my own experiences yes, but also because my heart says so. It’s something that I feel so strongly not only in my heart, but in my spirit and in every cell of my being that I just know it to me true- THE ULTIMATE TRUTH.
Doesn’t feel like it?
That’s okay, Here are some tips that might help.

  1. Accept what is, but change what you can.  No, I’m not saying settle. I’m not saying roll over and do nothing. I’m saying accept the moment for what it is, knowing that change is coming as it always does. Find peace in the NOW- even when it’s uncomfortable. And also, if you have the power to make a change- do ! Sometimes there’s truly nothing that we can do in a specific moment to make change. But in others it’s, all in our hands to make that shift- even if it’s a hard one to make. Life is short. Everything is permanent. Makes changes, take leaps… security is false. Live you life now. Accept what can’t change yet, change what can.
  2. Be grateful. No matter how shitty moments in life can be, there are some pretty freakin’ incredible moments too. Linger in those. Relive those. Journal about those. Appreciate those. The more you do this, the more amazing moments you’ll attract, I promise.
  3. Use a mantra. Or affirmation. Anything that floats your boat. “All is well”, “This too shall pass”, “I accept and love what is”, “I’m exactly where I need to be”, “OM”, “So Hum”, “Ananda Hum”… When we come up against challenges, it’s important to maintain a mindset of peace and acceptance whenever possible. Holding a mantra of affirmation in our minds can lead us back form harmful and criticizing thoughts we may place on ourselves and others during challenging situations. Using aromatherapy to help “seal in” the mantra goodness is an extra bonus you may like to try too.
  4. Breathe. Yes, I’m a broken record. But breath is everything. Breathe with awareness & intention & it will feed into everything else for the good.
  5. Feed your heart. Can you stop and devote 5 minutes of your time, to give your heart a little extra love? Dance to your favorite song. Read a chapter out of your favorite book. Practice savasana. Meditate. Take a walk outside. Make yourself a cup of heart centered tea. Snuggle with your pet. 5 minutes is not a long time, but it’s long enough to give us a little extra love and attention we need to shift our energy and mind set. Set your phone alarm to go off 3x’s a day if you can. Aren’t you & your heart worth 15 minutes a day just for you? I know that you are.
  6. Smduge your space. All of it. Weekly if not daily. Energy is everything. What we bring in & out of every single space we spend time in has an enormous bearing on our well being. Our home, car, office… you name it- it needs regular clearing.
  7. Pray & Meditate. No matter what your spiritual or religious path is, the act of connecting to something greater than ones self, as well as taking time to quiet the mind is often where all of our “answers” lie. Maybe your higher power is your cat. Awesome. Make time to go sit with Spanky daily. Tell him your problems, your dreams, your hopes & aspirations. Maybe your mediation practice is following your inhales & exhales as you fall asleep at night. Awesome. Keep doing it. But keep building on it too. The more time we can get out of our overactive critical, overly judgmental monkey on a hamster wheel brains, the less resistance we make in our lives to continue down our paths and the more peaceful, easy & blissful it will become.



*Everything shared on this site is for educational purposes only. Please use all herbs under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.

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