Smudge That $hit!

I’m super sensitive to energy.

When someone’s in a great mood, or someone’s in a terrible mood. When someone is trying to manipulate me or be passive aggressive, or if someone is not well- I can sense it and feel it in my own body- especially when I’ve not taken the time to protect myself from energies that are not my own.

Not everyone is as sensitive as I am when it comes to “stuff” around us but that doesn’t mean that the energy doesn’t exist.
When you walk into a room where someone just had an argument, or maybe you’ve been to a place that just didn’t “feel right” like you just didn’t like being there… you were the feeling energy of the place or situation.
Everything needs a good “clearing” once in awhile. Sometimes you’re the one who needs an energy shift and maybe not just the environment you’re in.

I learned the term “smudging” long ago as the practice of burning dried herbs as a way to clear out the energy you don’t want and bring in the energy you do. Smudging is a Native American term and practice. David Winston, a Cherokee Indian however, prefers to use the term “smoking”.

There are many ways to smudge. Traditionally you use dried incense or herb bundles of Sweet grass, Cedar, White Sage, Palo Santo sticks (one of my favorites!), Copal or Frankincense resin, or even Pine needles. Although each plant has it’s own energy and power when used as a smudge, I feel that using the plant or combination of plants that you’re called to- and the intention you hold while you’re smudging to be the most important.

That being said- not everyone likes or can tolerate scent and some people don’t want to “smoke out” their house! (Very important side note! When burning dried herbs please open all of the windows – even the front door, and use a fire safe container to burn in).

There are some scent free & liquid smudge alternatives that I list below.

Although this may sound too “woo woo” and hokey to some who’ve not heard of this practice before, I promise you, smudging will change your life! I often send my clients home with the homework to smudge their homes or offices. They leave my office giving me googley eyes like “I can’t believe she’s asking me to do this my husband/co-workers are going to think I’m crazy!” And then they come back in the next session telling me how much they love smudging and what a big difference it made for them.

So if you’re hesitant, that’s okay. Give it a whirl anyway.

Why Smudge?
~Clear space/unwanted energy
~Cleanse/Empower your own energy
~Bring a group of people together
~Begin & end a ceremony/project
~Call in Spirit for prayer
~Release or Receive
~Create intention
~Creating sacred boundaries or protection

Setting the Tone of Your Day With Intention:
Even if you aren’t spiritual or religious you can still do this! It’s really just telling the universe- or yourself (that brain of yours is powerful!) how you’d like your day to go.
“May my day go smoothly and peacefully for the highest good of all.”
“May I see my clients with success & ease and remain protected from any energy that does not serve me.”
“May I surrender to the flow of my day knowing that I will accomplish all that needs to be done and will remain protected from all that does not serve me.”

Giving Thanks/Cleansing: at the end of the day don’t forget to take a moment- (even if it’s just lying in bed)
To be grateful for the day you had…even on a bad day there are things to be thankful for. And also asking to be cleansed of any residue from the day’s experiences that doesn’t serve you. This will keep the positive energy flowing:)

Aromatherapy Smudge Recipe

What You’ll Need::

1 ounce spray bottle ( you can find at any natural food store or pharmacy)

Lavender Essential Oil (7)

Lemongrass Essential Oil (1)

Rescue Remedy drops (3)

Yarrow Environmental Solution drops (1)

Filtered Water

~Fill your bottle half way with water, add your essential oils & essences making sure to be patient with waiting for the drops to come out (some will come out fast, others slow). Then fill the your bottle the rest of the way up with water, cap tightly. Shake the bottle up and hold in your hand, give thanks for the plants & ingredients in your bottle, say a little prayer of affirmation that whenever you use this spray it will protect you and release you from all energy that doesn’t serve you and invite in all of the good energy that does. This (aside from liquid smudge) is my favorite way to clear energy and shift my mood as I can spray myself (face & clothes) as well as my space- anytime I need it. It’s so easy to just throw in my bag and go about my day.

If you aren’t a fan of lavender as a lot of folks aren’t (I dont’ get it!! lol) try these other lovely combos of essential oil blends::

Per 1 oz. bottle::

5 drops Frankincense

7 drops Bergamot


2 drops Clary Sage

4 Drops Rose Geranium


5 Cedarwood

4 Palmarosa

{{*side note- you get what you pay for & your products will only be as good as the ingredients you put in them! Therapeutic grade essential oils are the only way to go- but they can be an investment- one that’s worth it. Used with the proper care & knowledge essential oils are safe, and will last you a long time. xo }}

The beautiful part about aromatherapy is that scent is so subtle but powerful!

Scent + Positive intention = new memory & brain patterns.

So when you use scent to affirm & attract more things into our lives, oh, like say LOVE- it works like magic to make it happen.

Then, add flower essences into the mix that are literally plant energy that shifts our emotional/mental states to more balanced, grounded & peaceful emotions.

If you’re scent sensitive even with pure essential oils use this simplified reicpe below::

Scent Free Smudge

1 ounce spray bottle

filtered water or witch hazel- or try a floral hydrosol which has such a light, light scent it’s sooooo very gentle… just a thought:)

Rescue Remedy drops (3)

Yarrow Environmental Solution drops (1)

That’s it! Add everything into your bottle, shake well, infuse with love & good intentions as well as gratitude for the plant essences present and voila~ you’ve got a powerful smudge spray! Flower essence all on their own are AMAZING at shifting energy for your own personal use & to shift the energy of the environment around you. And this is truly the perfect ally to carry around with you throughout the day & use whenever you need it- without the scent! 🙂

However you decide to smudge whether it’s with burning herbs or spraying them, make sure you’re holding a clear intention. For example: “I want to clear out all the negativity that just ensued after a fight with my husband, making way for loving energy” or “I want to clear out all energy that doesn’t serve my highest and best good”, “I want to cleanse myself of heaviness and sadness that I’m feeling so it may pass”… you get the gist.

And if you’re smudging a space make sure your get every nook and cranny  around- corners, closets, behind doors and basements… and if you’re smudging yourself makes sure you smudge from head to toe- under your feet and all the way to the top and back of your head.

All of these smudging options are powerhouses for shifting energy, clearing what doesn’t serve and making room for what does! Choose the one that draws you in and happy smudging!