Flower Essences Are Powerful Yet Gentle Medicine.
These are some of my absolute favorites for healing the heart and promoting more love:
Apophyllite Crystal Elixir:
Helps in calming and instilling peace in ones heart, allowing it to open to Universal love. Apophyllite is helpful in releasing past trauma & moving forward toward positive life experiences. “What’s done is done, I release my past experiences with love. My heart is open & willing to receive all of the good that is waiting for me.”
Foxglove “Isabella” Digitalis pupurea:
Helps one to remember the innocence, joy & freedom of being a child, aiding in tapping into that energy again. Connects you to your heart & soul, so that they may be your guides in life. Allows you to see the light, beauty & fun hiding in the smallest most obvious places we have forgotten how to see. Reminds you that life is a party & your only job is to enjoy it. “I live each moment with expectant joy, gratitude & laughter, & know that life is for loving & living in every moment.”
Lily of the Valley, Convalaria majalis:
Builds unconditional love for oneself, instilling a stronger sense of self and comfort in your own skin, aiding in realization one’s innate gifts and potential to manifest what one wants in all areas of life. “Life is what I make of it, I am powerful , beautiful and am an integral part of this Universe.”
“Hot Pink: Rosa ssp:
This essence wants you to get out and LOVE! Love your boss, your neighbor, a stranger, an animal, a tree, a flower, and most importantly yourself! There are many ways to “love” this essence helps you explore the many ways. This essences helps you to love fiercely, and boldly with whole hearted pure intention and without expectation, knowing that whatever you send out into the Universe comes back to you 3 fold- so why not be sending out love? “I send out pure and untainted love out into the Universe each and every moment, with the intention that it feeds, fills and supports all life on this wonderful Earth for the highest and best good for all.”
Vinca: Vinca minor:
Aids in instilling peace, compassion and forgiveness for yourself and all others. Aids in giving you grace to move through uncomfortable situations and paths, reminding you that all is well, and as it should be. “I love myself as I love all others. I treat myself and all life with compassion and respect and know that all things are connected.”