Jupiter’s Labyrinth Was Born

I’ve always been a melting pot of sorts.  I have many interests, many personality traits and many ways in which I love to live life. My business is very much the same. I have lots of different specialties and methods of offering you support, guidance and empowered healing. Though I’d been using the name Lion’s Tooth Wellness for 10 + years, I was recently forced into a change- and thank goodness for it. As we know, change is the only constant in life, and we often find that we grip too tightly to many things in the world, things keeping us from much needed change.  I’m no stranger to this tendency… especially being a Taurus sun sign.   And so, as stubborn Taureans must often be reminded; this too shall pass…let go and see what happens. And so I have, and so, Jupiter’s Labyrinth was born…a name that most definitely encompasses the work I offer the world.

A labyrinth has two definitions. Some labyrinths are mazes, one with dead ends, paths that take you right back to where you began and maybe even traps & demons along the way. It’s often very challenging to navigate and make your way through. If you’ve ever seen the beloved 80’s film of mine, Labyrinth staring David Bowie, then you know exactly what I mean.  A very wise quote from the movie; “Sometimes the way forward, is the way back.” is so very true.

The other definition of a labyrinth, is one of a path of meditation. A path that begins on the outside and finishes at the labyrinth’s center. It winds and turns round and round taking you on a journey of inner quiet, contemplation and hopefully insight. You surrender to the twists and turns trusting that the path will lead you to the center. In many ways it’s a journey to your inner-self.

I find that our life’s journey here on Earth is very much the same as a labyrinth. There are moments when we hit road block after road block, and come back round to relive the same lessons over and over. Sometimes these roadblocks take the form of disease or imbalances in our physical bodies. Other times they may come in the form of difficult relationships or jobs. We can also come across helpful allies along the way, friends, new opportunities and mentors, as well as challenging characters too.  And thankfully at other times we seem to be able to find a flow, an ease, a sense of peace, an even more fluid path that can lead us to a deeper understanding of things and especially ourselves with less challenge and chaos. It ebbs and flows as all things in life do.

As a practitioner of health & wellness, I’d be honored to be your ally, your guide and your cheerleader along your own labyrinth. And as I said above, I’m a bit of a melting pot of trades so, the methods in which I offer my support are up to you. I’ll help you through the trap doors, the dead ends & seek out ways to make your demons serve you. I’ll show you tools, offer my professional insight & guidance, and introduce you to new (green) friends that can assist you too. I’ll guide you to find your own way through your very own unique labyrinth, to discover & meet your highest and best self- mind, body & spirit waiting for you at its center.

Through self-care, self- love & connection to this infinite web of life, our best selves are waiting for us all, right at the center of our labyrinths.  Yet, the labyrinth of life is a journey we must choose again and again to walk upon each and every moment, of each and every day. And here lies the beauty & the challenge; Our journey is ongoing.  It’s always waiting for us. If we were perfect we wouldn’t be here learning the lessons that we are. We would have left this plane and moved on to the next and yet here we sit in human form. We have a choice to persevere. To try again.  And when we put the work in, making our way through it in the best way we know how, we’ll always be rewarded. Every time.

Jupiter is the largest planet we’ve discovered in our galaxy. This enormous gaseous giant could fit more than 1000 planet Earths inside of itself.

In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of expansion.  It’s the planet  of gaining insight and seeing things from a broader, different perspective and also breaking boundaries (imagine the God Thor who also happens to be ruled by Jupiter, smashing those boundaries with his hammer).  Jupiter is the “Jovial Planet”.  It’s the eternal optimist and influences good luck and good fortune. Jupiter is the planet of blessings, our Guru and philosophical teacher helping us to find our truth.  Jupiter helps us to have strong and clear judgement, to seek out our higher purpose & life’s direction.

I can think of no better companion to bring along our journey with us, than a planet that is largest in our galaxy, helps us to draw enthusiasm, optimism and the strength to grow and persevere through life’s challenges. Oh and of course my tride and true plant ally is also ruled by this giant orb: Lion’s Tooth, Dent De Leon, Dandelion :).

And so it was, Jupiter’s Labyrinth was born. A practice that offers you a wealth of knowledge, tools, experience and deep desire to help you live your best life. What path will you take, what tools you’ll use, what lessons you’ll discover along the way, is up to you. xoA