Inviting Change

This is such an important factor in the health & healing field. When I launched my biz as Lion’s Tooth Herbals in 2006, my catch phrase was “You Are Your Own Best Healer.” And it’s the truth. No one can heal you- TRULY heal you,  but yourself. Yes, you can seek out professional advice, be given drugs or herbs or surgeries, but YOU are responsible for taking care yourself & creating the lasting change of health. There are no quick fixes that last. The lifelong work is always ours to choose over & over again, and always worth while when we decide to choose it.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Sick…. Immune Support Tips!

Did you know that most colds & flus are contagious for up to 5-7 days for adults and even longer for children? So, a heads up when you’re already sick & you’re having a moment of wanting to “push through”,  “be a trooper” and “suck it up”,  by not calling into work… don’t. If you’re sick, […]