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Month: November 2016
DIY Rosewater

Rosewater, flower water, hydrosol… you’ve probably heard these words used before especially for making your own body care products or even cooking exotic dinner recipes in the kitchen. First of all… what is Rose water? Although a lot of folks will tell you rose water is just rose tea and that you can simply make […]
Invest In Your Health… You’re Worth It.

On average we spend over $8000 per person per year on health care alone in the US. This doesn’t include pharmaceutical drugs which the average person spends just under $1000 per year. Granted we have lot’s of room to grow in dropping the cost of prescriptive meds & health insurance in this country, but that […]
A Glimpse At Pitta Dosha

In a nutshell according to ayurveda, there are three doshas or energies that make our own individual selves as well as the nature that surrounds us. Vata, pitta and kapha are these three energies. Each and every one of us has all three doshas within us- we simply have them in different amounts genetically determined […]
What Are Flower Essences?

Flower essences (SHOP HERE ) were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in 1930’s and are now widely used by many different types of health care practitioners. Flower essences are subtle but powerful “vibrational” remedies that affect us on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. SHOP FLOWER ESSENCESAll disease begins in the mind and spirit before […]
Natural Skin Care~ Oil Is The Answer, Not The Enemy

We’ve been brought up in a culture that has taught us that oils are bad and that they clog pores and cause acne. Well, that’s a big fat lie. Pure unadulterated oils are actually very healing and beneficial for our skins overall health, elasticity and strength! Before the discovery of foaming soaps, Greeks would use […]
Mini Herb Profile | Lemon Balm | Melissa officinalis

I LOVE LEMON BALM! And yes I’m screaming it!! Here is the laundry list of actions & wonders that Lemon Balm can and has been used for: ~Carminative (relieves gas) ~Nervine (soothes the nervous system) ~Antispasmodic (calms spasms) ~Antidepressant ~Diaphoretic (aids in sweating out fevers) ~Antimicrobial ~Hepatic (supports liver function) ~general stress & anxiety ~insomnia […]
Whole Foods Vs. Processed Foods {Panchakarma Reboot Prep}

My definition of a processed food is any food that is prepared, has preservatives added and then is put into a box, bag, can, microwaveable container to be eaten as is or heated and eaten later. Basically it’s food that lacks vitality as it’s been cooked/prepared and then has been sitting in a container for […]