A Glimpse Of Kapha Dosha

Spring is here- and that means so is Kapha Season on the ayurvedic wheel of the seasons.

Kapha is made of the elements earth & water. Think of the little sprouts of the crocus & daffodil slowly springing from the wet earth and that’s kapha in a nutshell

It’s heavy, slow, cool, damp, slow moving, sustainable, strong, resilient & dependent.

Kapha falls right in sync with allergy season, and it’s no coincidence.  Runny noses, sinus infections, excess mucous production, congestion & watery eyes all fall in step with Kapha’s qualities.

When we are in the thick of a season dominated by a particular dosha, it’s important to take note of how many other areas of your life may be influenced by that dosha and try to bring those areas to balance.

Here are some tips to see if you have too much Kapha in your life::

You have trouble waking up before 7am.

You crave heavy foods like dairy, sweets & carbs.

You have a tendency toward slow sluggish stools.

Your mind feels dull, lethargic and apathetic or perhaps depressed.

You lack motivation.

You have a thick white coating on our tongue especially in the morning.

You have an excess of phlegm (runny nose, stuffy nose, wet cough, post nasal drip, sinus headache).

You tend to be affected by spring allergies.

If you connected to any of the above- here’s what can you do to bring your body more into balance during Kapha season::

~Eliminate heavy foods that create more heaviness & moisture in the body like dairy, sugar, heavy meats, carbs & grains.

~Focus more on the foods that are astringent, pungent & bitter in flavor.  Some good choices are; green vegetables like artichokes, green beans, asparagus, kale, lettuces, spinach, collards, as well as  warming spices like garlic,fresh ginger, turmeric, chili pepper, black pepper & cumin. Focus on grains like quinoa, millet and buckwheat and fruit like blueberries, strawberries & apples.

~Drink warm lime & fresh ginger tea throughout the day but especially first thing in morning. This stimulates digestion, metabolism, lymph & circulation. Let’s keep things moving as kapha can be sluggish!

~Move your body- exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. This is one of my favorite 25 minute cardio workouts.

~Make friends with the neti pot STAT. It’s not as scary as you think.

~Wake up before 7am go to bed not later than 11pm. This is super important for Kapha season as the more we hit the snooze button past 7am the harder it is to get motivated. I promise.

~Use essential oils! Citrus oils like bergamot, mandarin & grapefruit, or florals like jasmine and ylang-ylang are perfect for stimulating and invigorating kapha “sluggishness” throughout the day.

~Use whole herbs! Dandelion root, burdock root, rose, tulsi, lemongrass, lemon balm, ginger and cinnamon are some of my favorite herbs to use to balance Kapha! Try this tea blend out.

~Dry brush your skin. Dry brushing is especially invigorating for kapha types first thing in the morning before hoping in the shower. It stimulates the lymph, circulation, is amazing for skin health and aids in detoxing the body. It’s great medicine and takes not time at all.

~Be creative & surround yourself with beauty.  Kapha is the dosha that is most sensitive to states of apathy and depression so adding things of beauty and color around your when you’re feeling kapha energy has taken over can be super helpful to the imbalanced mental states of kapha. Cut fresh flowers, scented candles, and engaging in creative projects like dream boards /vision boards, terrarium building or gardening can be very stimulating and supportive for kapha season.

Here’s to a splendid spring & kapha season! xo
Per usual anything & everything shared on this site is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or replace any other form of medical treatment. The information shared on this website is intended for educational purposes only. Please seek the guidance of your health care practitioner when using herbs especially for those who are pregnant, breastfeeding , are taking medication or are dealing with a serious health condition.

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