Do You REALLY Understand Flower Essences?

Some folks think flower essences & essential oils are the same. Often, when I begin offering clients to work with flower essences, they quickly open the bottle to take a big sniff…. To their dismay there is no fragrance to be found other than a hint of alcohol.
Flower essences are used, internally, externally and everywhere in between. They are an incredibly safe, effective & deeply profound medicine that move deeply into the spiritual, emotional bodies.
There is nary a life struggle or even physical health struggle that cannot benefit from the use of a flower essence.

After all, many healing traditions believe strongly that the beginning of disease starts in the spiritual realm, trickles down into the mental emotional body and then finally manifests into the physical body as disease and imbalance. So, why not start to heal at the deepest level first?

The most well known flower essence company is Bach Flower Essence Remedies. You can even find these at your local grocery stores which makes me so very happy to see.

In a nutshell flower essences are just that, the essence or “spirit” of the plant. It’s the energetic finger print of the plant if you will. Very similar to homeopathic remedies, where if you were to look at a flower essence under a microscope you would see no plant material at all. It’s vibrational in nature. And since our entire bodies are mere vibrations of electrons and protons buzzing around together, when we work with flower essences they reach the deepest levels of our own vibrational beings and help to bring about a balance within them.

There are thousands of essences available on the market if not more. Animal essences, tree essences, crystal essences, flower essences…. you can capture the essence of just about any entity that gives you the permission to and wants to help you on your healing journey.

Yarrow Flower essence is a essence for protection, specifically for strengthening the aura and energetic boundaries.

Foxglove Flower essence (yes you can use “toxic” plants in essence form because it’s only the vibration we’re working with… cool right?) is an essence to revitalize our child like selves and tap into the joyfulness and playfulness of life, helping us to remember to go easy on ourselves and to make life more of a party and less of a struggle.

St. Johnswort Flower essence helps us to protect ourselves from being depleted from others energy. A wonderful ally for empaths who fall prey to “psychic vampires” who unintentionally rob others of their energy leaving them an empty shell.

Bleeding Heart Flower Essence, is as you might imagine, a essence to help with loss. Loss of a loved one, a relationship, job, home, a challenging transition where you have been forced to let go of something before you were ready to. It helps to hold and heal the heart on its journey forward.

These are just a few examples of some flower essences I work with, but as I’ve mentioned there are so many to choose from.

So, who can use essences, and how does one use them?

Firstly ANYONE AND EVERYONE can used flower essences. Animals, newborns, elderly, those in hospice…. they are completely safe for everyone’s use.

Flower essences typically come in liquid dropper form. You can add them to water or tea   or tincture.  Rub them into your skin, add them to bath water. Use in smudge sprays, or personal perfume spritzers or roll on’s. Truly the sky is the limit.

This being said, although essences are completely safe, will not contraindicate with any other herbs, pharmaceuticals or treatments you may be having & using, they are profoundly powerful. Get ready to have your “boat rocked” in the way of healing.

Essences are here to go deep into healing, stir the pot of our “stuff” if you will, to release what we don’t need and move through the dark toward the end of the tunnel.

This process isn’t always light & fluffy. It’s often heavy in the beginning as we move deeply into our mental & emotional blocks and then there is a breaking point and release.

This doesn’t happen with all essences though. General blends like Rescue Remedy, are simply gentle support during typical times of stress that will go easy on you and simply ease you through the more challenging moments in life. If you are new to flower essences, this is the place to start.

I’ve been using flower essences for myself, my clients, my cat and my house for over 15 years and I honestly don’t know what my life would be like without them.

Never tried flower essences before? Give them a whirl! They are life changing support that will shift your life & your health in the right direction.

Have questions? Don’t hesitate. xoA


*All information shared on this website is for educational purposes only. Please only take herbs under the guidance of your skilled healthcare practitioner.*

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