How Do I Get Off Of Chocolate?

Dear I Want to Quit Chocolate,

My first question for you is why?

I’m a big believer in enjoying life to the fullest including indulging in a sweet treat every now and again.

I find that trying to go cold turkey forevermore with health or diet fads or completely depriving yourself of things that you enjoy, often ends in a gorging relapse later- especially in the realm of food.

First thing is first. It’s about the quality, not necessarily quantity.

Are you indulging in Hershey’s kisses, Swiss Miss hot cocoa and Reese’s peanut butter cups?

Or are you going for the rich, dense 80+% cacao infused truffles from your local chocolatier? Or better yet, making your own chocolate treats?

There’s a big difference.

Cacao in its pure form was never meant to be adulterated by sugar and dairy milk. Traditionally it was used (and still is today) for ceremonial practices and it’s medicinal value. Unadulterated cocoa nibs or cacao powder is actually considered a superfood by many health activists and practitioners. Chocolate can balance hormones, promote heart health and even improve cognitive function.

Many of us crave different kinds of foods that perhaps we wish we didn’t. But how many of us put the guilt aside, have a seat and really, truly and fully take the time to chew, savor, swallow slowly and completely enjoy the act of eating our treat? I gander, not many of us.

Usually we’re feeling so guilty about taking another slice of that chocolate cake that we just want to stuff it in our faces and pretend it didn’t happen. This act often leads us to craving yet another sweet treat later… why? Because we didn’t take the time to enjoy it  so it wasn’t fully satisfying.  AND we feel bad about doing it.

Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions are by far our worst enemy here.

If you tend to ONLY crave chocolate and nothing else it could be that you’re lacking magnesium and or iron in your diet as chocolate is rich in both of these minerals. And If you’re really trying to break up with your ole’ friend chocolate veer towards nuts and seeds like pumpkin, almonds, and cashews which are naturally rich in magnesium as well as upping your dark greens intake which are packed with iron, then see if your cravings diminish.

One of my favorite adaptogenic herbs Ashwagandha is also rich in both iron & magnesium and makes a delicious nightcap!

So, my friend if you really would like to give up chocolate cold turkey, go for it.

And before you do… maybe at least try out an indulgent & delicious REAL chocolate recipe or two, to really allow yourself sit down to and invite yourself to REALLY enjoy~ guilt free. And then see how you feel. You may change your tune:) xo A

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