If Your Heart’s Needing Some Love…

My favorite quote to come back to in times of struggle is “The Only Constant In Life Is Change.”
It’s helpful for to me in trying times as it reminds me that nothing is permanent and “This too shall pass”, whatever the situation may be.
Sometimes… or I think almost always, the darker the storm that faces us, the brighter the calm & peace that will follow it.
It’s so easy to feel helpless, frustrated, heavy and down right sad at times. But I do believe that each and every challenge we face has a lesson for us. Each and every unpleasant person we meet, or situation we face holds a mirror up for us to see what reflects back… is there a sliver of recognition in that reflection?

How we live in the world, our thoughts about how we want the world to be, how WE walk our talk, will always be the most powerful influence in the world. We really are ripples in a pond.  And together, with love in our hearts, our thoughts and our actions…no matter what life sends our way, will always spread like wildfire into the Universe around us. Love ALWAYS wins.  And it’s up to us to live this truth through our own lives and trust in the process.

The Universe Is Always Unfolding In Exactly the Way It Should… Right? That’s my belief.

That being said, my heart is still heavy, a little broken and a little sore.

Our heart is such an important force, organ and guide for us that we MUST nourish and support it. Not just in it’s physical sense, as it’s what pumps blood throughout our bodies, and keeps us alive, but because it is literally a organ of perception and feels (yes, it can feel!) and processes all of our life’s experiences first even before our brains do. There is an amazing book that talks about the heart as this organ of perception that blew my mind and is worth checking out if you’re drawn to…

So, in the spirit of nourishing and supporting our hearts during this trying time, let’s practice some heart centered self care with some tub soaks, foot rubs, smudge sprays, tea, massage and of course chocolate…

Heart Tea

Ta-Ta Heart Love

Foot Love

Fear Blaster

Herbal Tub Love

Herbal Chocolate Bark


4 Replies to “If Your Heart’s Needing Some Love…”

  1. Beautiful, and so helpful. Thank you❤️

    1. You’re so welcome my friend! xoA

  2. Hi Amanda!!! Just what the “doctor Amanda” ordered! Thanks for an uplifting post – Sam and I have been through some tough times, and your post and that little pink flower cheered me up immeasurably! He lost his job over a year ago at WOKQ and ended up with gallstones, and I have been stressed about him and developed internal bleeding in the form of hemorrhoids. Blessings to you and Aaron!

    1. Hi Carol! So nice to hear from you and I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles. I know that your beautiful spirits will fully heal and come out stronger the other side! Happy to hear my post helped lift your spirit. Hugs and love to you & Sam! xoA

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