It’s All In the Gut Part III

Although we chuckle at digestive malfunctions like burping & farting, they are just that…

Most of us have taken on the belief that these things just happen and it happens to everyone.

While it is true that most people experience these symptoms on a regular basis, they are infact a sign of digestive imbalance and one that can be improved.

So What Do They Mean:


9 x’s out of 10 people experience bloat because of poor food combining… and eating raw food. Yes, my smoothie & salad loving friends. If you already have a challenged digestion and you eat a large amount of raw food, cold food, you are creating more problems for yourself. Don’t believe me? Start cooking your food more and see what happens:)


Burping is often an indicator of an excess of Pitta dosha– or too much heat in the stomach/ aka and imbalance of stomach acid. You’ll often find that acid reflux often shows up with folks who consistently burp.


As I mentioned, sometimes farting is literally the passing of trapped air in your digestive tract. But other times, it is gas that is accumulating from fermenting food. Fermented food in the gut is never a good thing, as we’ll eventually absorb the toxins being released from the rancid food particles and it will begin to recirculate into our bloodstream causing inflammation as well as other problems. Possible reasons here are often related to eating too many fermented foods, spicy foods or raw foods, depending on your individual constitution.

What’s the easiest thing to do to help remedy these symptoms?

Simply  pay attention.

When do you burp, fart and have gas? What were you eating and or drinking? You may even want to start a food journal just for a week or so to keep track. It’s well worth it.

If you’re a Vata type, raw foods and overly spicy foods may very well be the culprit.

If you’re a Pitta type, fermented and spicy foods may be the cause.

If you’re a Kapha type, dairy is often the trigger.

Experiment and eliminate what you think may be your indigestion triggers and see what happens. As soon as you can determine your triggers, the more mindful choices you can make.  And don’t forget to follow the healthy digestion guidelines from “It’s All in Your Gut Parts I and II

Have questions? Don’t hesitate.



***All information shared on this website is for educational purposes only. Please always use herbs under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.

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