Mini Herb Profile | Dent De Leon ~ Dandelion: Taraxacum officinale

Dent de leon is Lion’s Tooth in French where our beautiful yellow friend got it’s name, referring to the deeply serrated leaves.

Dandelion is a beloved herb of mine. Ever since I was a child I was warmed by their bright yellow blossom and mesmerized by the umbrella like seed pods floating through the air.

Little did I know it was such wonderful medicine & food too!

Just a single herb has 100’s of uses! Here’s a little bit about how I use Dandelion.

Liver support! The root of the Dandelion is specific to giving our liver’s the extra love they need! So whether it’s skin issues of all kinds, hormonal troubles or  digestive woes, turn to Dandelion root as your ally. You can even find the root roasted in coffee substitutes and it’s delicious!


Kidney & Hypertension Support! The leaf of the dandelion is rich in potassium and is a major support for high blood pressure. Did you know that typical pharmeceutical medication for HBP will deplete you of potassium, but Dandelion leaf will offer a double whammy of support for both lowering BP and enriching your potassium supply? It’s true. Issues like gout (paired with Stinging Nettle) as well as water retention are also supported by Dandelion leaf. The leaf is also a strong bitter which as all bitters do, increase bile and gastric juice secretion and help support a gentle detox.


Skin, Breast & Lymph Support! The yellow blossoms of the Dandelion can be used when infused into oil as a breast massage to keep the lymph flowing and breast tissue strong yet supple. The sap from fresh dandelion (which contains latex) works as a fantastic “zit zapper” and also helps to dissolve skin tags, warts and other unwanted skin things, when used topically on a regular basis. Plus, have you ever eaten Dandelion Blossom Fritters? They’re delicious!

The entire Dandelion is packed to the gills with vitamin and minerals- so eat up! It’s free medicine and food, probably growing in your back yard! (Just make sure you or your neighbors don’t use pesticides around the property before you harvest some!)

This is just scratching the surface of the amazing attributes of our amazing friend Dandy, just to whet your palette 🙂 Visit my pinterest page for Dandelion recipe inspirations!



Per usual, the information on this site is for educational purposes only. Please use herbs responsibly under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have a serious health condition or are taking pharmaceutical medication. This information has not been approved by the FDA (thank god).



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