Sacred Mourning Chalice For Pregnancy Loss

This is a project that’s been a long time coming. I’ve been sitting with and connecting to conjuring a project that would truly symbolize, honor and hold space for people who have dealt with the deep & lonely loss of miscarriage.

Pregnancy Loss occurs in 20%+ of all pregnancies (Ages 19-45). In some instances, loss occurs so early on, that it passes as a heavy period so that the person may not even have known that they had a little life spark inside of them. For many others, the loss occurs within the first and even second trimesters. And for over 50% of couples there is no scientific/ physical explanation for their miscarriage.

Pregnancy loss is not honored in our US culture.
There is no ceremony, no funeral, no space created for the grieving parent(s). Few people will even acknowledge or talk about it. There is often no reverence for the little spirit that did not finish it’s journey into the fully physical world. Some would say, “Well it’s not the same as other losses, they never fully formed, never lived, were never born.” And in some ways, they would be right.

The loss of pregnancy is a very different & deep one.
It’s not just a loss of experiencing a life growing inside of a body, for sometimes several months and then losing it. It’s also a loss of an often much hoped for, longed for & dreamt about future, a new family or family member, a whole new chapter in someone’s life… It’s a loss that is truly unique and that no one can ever fully grasp unless they’ve personally experienced it themselves. And even then, each person’s/ couple’s miscarriage experience is varied.
No one experience is alike.
For some, perhaps the miscarriage was a blessing, a sigh of relief. Those are the lucky ones who didn’t experience the miscarriage as a loss.
But for those whose pregnancy loss was a deep, dark and painful, heart crushing loss, I offer you this: A Sacred Mourning Chalice. A place to pour your heartache, your anger, your grief and sorrow. To honor & connect to the little spirit that came & went too quickly. A vessel and tool to help send your prayers, your songs, your words to your lost spirit baby. A way to honor your loss, you baby’s short life inside the womb, a place & a way to simply hold space & acknowledge & honor what happened.
Grieving & processing any loss is different for everyone, but it’s important to let it happen.

My hope is that for my many friends, family, clients & students that have shared this indescribable loss with me and for the many others who have not, to offer them a way to heal, a way to persevere and trust and grow stronger through one of the most enormous & painful of life’s challenges.
I hope with all of my heart that my Mourning Chalice will help.
I made them with so much love, intention, prayer and reverence for this important and sacred loss and all who are affected by it.

Ways You Might Use A Mourning Chalice
🌿Fill the chalice with water and offer flowers, floating candles essential oils and herbs to honor your spirit baby. Then literally pour your tears, prayers, songs , words into the chalice. Let it hold you and all that you feel. Once complete, offer the contents of the chalice to the earth by pouring it outside giving thanks & asking the energy to be transmuted for the good of all.
🌿Fill the Chalice with small pebbles or sand and burn incense or smudging herbs to help connect you to your baby, to Great Spirit/God/Goddess to help you to listen, connect and send prayers to the heavens. To ask for help in processing, grieving, releasing & healing. Clear the ash after each session.
🌿Use the leaf pedestal to charge a crystal with a connection to your spirit baby, burn incense or a candle in honor and remembrance.
🌿Write a Message or prayer onto wish paper & the burn on your leaf pedestal to send up to the heavens. (What is wish paper?>>>

There are no rules for the Mourning Chalice. Use it to mourn, use it to celebrate, use it to pray, to connect, to meditate, to foster hope, healing, strength & resilience, however you see fit.

Lady’s Mantle is the Green Goddess that graces the Chalices with her magic, healing & spirit. Lady’s Mantle is the plant that not only rules the womb & women-bodied health but also is known to aid in healing physically, spiritually & emotionally from miscarriage. Alchemilla vulgaris is her Latin name- the Alchemist. What better ally to have than a powerful green alchemist to help you transform, transmute and shine forth through the darkness of life’s hardships.

Lepidolite Crystal Properties (add on option)::
Soothes frayed nerves, helps to surrender to acceptance, is the most supportive with life’s toughest challenges, brings calm to stormy emotions, instills serenity and promotes harmony, helps to dispel envy and resentment, aids in experiencing life form a “present moment” reality, assists in releasing trauma we may be holding on to, helps to release identifying as the victim, releases fear of the unknown and concerns about the future. (Robert Simmons, Naisha Ashian The Book Of Crystals)