So, It’s Kapha Season. What Does That Mean?

Kapha (pronounced ‘Kah-pah’ in Sanskrit) is the dosha (energy/body type) that contains the 2 elements water and earth.

What to do get when you put earth and water together? Mud.

This illustrates the energy of Kapha perfectly. It’s dense, wet, heavy and cool.

Think of the little green sprouts slowly waking up beneath the earth’s surface this time of year to reach up towards the warmth of the sun… It’s dark, heavy and wet journey with lots of sloughing off of material to reach that refreshed spring state..right? That’s exactly what we as humans are transitioning through in one way or another.

Since each and everyone of us have varying amounts of all three doshas; Vata, Pitta & Kapha it’s important to be mindful on not exacerbating the dosha the rules the present season.

As the end of winter into spring is Kapha territory, we may have already begun to see Kapha rearing it’s head in our minds, bodies and spirits.

If your Kapha is talking to you… here’s what it may look like:

*Trouble getting out of bed… wanting to sleep in.

*More mucous/congestion in your body than normal (extra mucous in your nasal passages or sometimes your stools)

*Allergies- sneezing, itchy eyes, drippy nose

*All issues with sinuses!

*Depression- apathy, heavy hardheartedness, lack of drive or enthusiasm to get on with the day

*Laziness (mental & physical)- a mental attitude of “Someone else will do it..”

*Netflix syndrome- aka you don’t feel like leaving the couch.

*Sluggish bowel movements… poop that is large dense and pale in color with a difficulty in releasing it all.

*White coating on your tongue

*Dullness of the mind/foggy thinking

What Can We Do? We Can Bring In the Opposite Energy of Kapha To Help Bring In Some Balance:

*Have a schedule and get out of bed no later than 7:30am

*Add ginger & lemon to your daily water

*Use the senses! Kapha needs to be invigorated! Fresh cut flowers in your home, essential oils to smell, spicier foods/flavors to taste, beautiful surroundings, your favorite playlists…

*MOVE! Yoga, run, dance, hike…Get outside in Nature especially.

*Veer toward foods that are naturally pungent (cabbage, mustard greens, radishes), bitter (dandelion greens, jicama, collards) & astringent (green beans, artichoke, lentils/beans) in flavor. Reduce the amount of dairy, meat, added sugars & super sweet fruits as these all increase Kapha dosha.

*Use a skin brush before hoping in the shower

*Get a gosh darn neti pot. This is the best gift to high Kapha types.


The most important thing we can do at any point of year is to listen to our bodies… catch the signs and symptoms before the become larger issues. The more we do this on a daily basis, the better choice we can make for ourselves. Have questions? I’m all ears. Leave it in the comments below and I’ll get back to you when I can. xoA







4 Replies to “So, It’s Kapha Season. What Does That Mean?”

  1. Love your advice. Definitely relating to the mind fogginess and itchy eyes right now. Im going to dig out the neti pot and ginger for starters.

    1. Excellent! Yes! The neti & ginger are our friends forevermore. A wonderful place to start:) Good luck & glad you found the info helpful. xoA

  2. Really feeling the kapha right now. 🌱

    1. You and me both Brook!!! Hang in there… xoA

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