Winter Tonic

Being in the dirt has always calmed me & brought me peace (well, I am a Taurus).  And while I know getting elbow deep in garden beds isn’t everyone’s idea of a blissful afternoon there is definitely something about the Autumn season that brings us back into ourselves.  It makes us turn inward, dig deep into our spirits and assess things.

It doesn’t only affect humans, all of Nature participates in this action in a way- the plants retreat back into their literal roots to sleep & await the Spring, as do the animals who hibernate through the colder season.

While Spring prompts you to BURST FORTH and create, play, explore, Fall prompts you to slow down, regroup, ground & turn inward.

Here are some of my favorite tips to ease you into the Autumn/Winter months to encourage a happier, healthier mind, body & spirit this coming Spring!

~Eat roots! Rooty veggies are super grounding, nourishing and help you to be very present, grounded and give us that super cozy full feeling in our bellies that we crave this time of year. Try a hearty stew, casserole or bake!

~Make time for breath/meditation. Nothing grounds & centers you more than your own breath. And it’s free! Whether it’s 5 minutes a day of quiet breath work & reflection or simply remembering to breathe with intention throughout your day, it makes all the difference.

~Use Mantra. LAM (pronounced like “lama”) is the Sanskrit sound for the root chakra.  The root chakra represents our foundation, what supports us, where we come from & our stability.  Chanting this sound in your mind upon waking in the morning or before resting at night will strengthen & balance your root chakra.

~ Make time for reflection. Journaling, meditation & prayer are all ways to clear our heads and make space for peace and quiet. When we still our minds, we get the most insight and inspiration for whatever is going on in our lives. Quietude is an essential part of  work of introspection.

~ Have fun with crystals & aromatherapy! One of my favorite ways to ground and center myself throughout my day is with a crystal in my pocket and an aromatic spritz in my space & on my face!

Crystals that can be helpful for grounding & strengthening the root chakra include: red calcite, petrified wood, pyrite, smokey quartz, red jasper & carnelian- or really any other red or dark colored stone. My favorite essential oils to ground (lately! My preference is always changing:)) are Patchouli, Palo Santo, Cinnamon, Cedarwood & Spruce. Think earthy, woodsy smells. These can be combined well with floral scents like Lavender & Clary Sage. But truly it’s all about what scents ground YOU.

Whatever you decide use -don’t add more than 10-15 drops total per ounce container you may be using to spritz yourself & remember that earthier oils like Patchouli & Palo Santo are super strong & you don’t need to use much.

A simple spray bottle filled with water or witch hazel does the trick! Have questions? Don’t ever hesitate. (Btw. crystals, aromatherapy, prayer, Mantra, meditation & prayer go REALLY great together:))

~ Move. Nothing brings you more out of your chatter box brain and into your body than movement. Run, skip, dance, hula hoop, ski, snow shoe, ice skate, practice yoga, kick box, belly dance…. whatever speaks to your soul at the moment. But do move, especially during the time of year when it’s extra challenging to get yourself up and moving! You’ll be glad you did!

~ Make a healing root tonic! This tonic will help boost immunity, cleanse the liver & energize your whole body from the inside out!

Winter Tonic Recipe:

Equal Parts Dried or fresh:

Dandelion rt,

Burdock rt,

Sarsaparilla rt,

Ginger rt,

Yellow Dock rt,

Braags Apple Cider Vinegar

32oz mason jar

*Optional (Horseradish, Turmeric, Solomon’s Seal, Astragalus, Ginseng…)

If the roots you use are fresh grate or chop them & fill the jar 1/2 way up. If dried fill the jar just about 1/4 way.   Pour ACV over the herbs just about to the top and poke around with a chop stick. Do your best to eliminate all air bubbles. Once all air bubbles have dispersed fill your jar the rest of the way up, cap tightly and store in a dark cool place for 6-8weeks. Shake daily and give it your love and good intentions! After after 6-8 weeks strain with a cheesecloth into a clean & sanitized 32 oz jar and store in a dark cool place. Take 1 tbs (adult) or 1 tsp (child, elder) daily for most benefit!

Follow all or some of these tips and I promise they’ll serve you well through the Fall & Winter for a more grounded, balanced & rejuvenated you this Spring!

xo Amanda

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