I love Ayurveda. It’s what propelled me into the world of health & healing, and well, it just makes perfect sense. In a very brief nutshell, according to Ayurveda, there are 3 major energies/qualities that are present in all of life: Vata, pitta & kapha. Every person, plant, animal, season, time of day, color, food, […]
Month: November 2016
Are You A Smoothie & Salad Lover?
Susun S. Weed & Brigitte Mars Raw vs. Cooked Foods Debate- well worth the watch! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Balancing Your Vata Dosha

~Here are some sure ways to bring your vata to a more balanced & peaceful state~….. -Follow a routine Vata is erratic so adhering to even just a little bit of a routine will help to ground this “run around with your head cut off” energy that vata rules. Simple things like waking up & […]
DIY Fear Blaster

Back in the day when I used to make an herbal product line I sold to the public, I made an aromatic spray called: Night Watch. I formulated this aromatic- flower essence spray specifically for children who were frightened- of the boogie man, of things seen and unseen, for any fear that they had warranted […]
If Your Heart’s Needing Some Love…

My favorite quote to come back to in times of struggle is “The Only Constant In Life Is Change.” It’s helpful for to me in trying times as it reminds me that nothing is permanent and “This too shall pass”, whatever the situation may be. Sometimes… or I think almost always, the darker the storm that faces […]
Herbal Tub Love

This is one of my most favorite tub soaks! Perfect for a solo experience or shared one with a lover. So physically, emotionally & energetically relaxing and rejuvenating! Just what your heart & spirit ordered! What You’ll Need Large Muslin Bag 2 Tbsp Rose petals 2 Tbsp Skullcap 2 Tbsp ground Seaweed 1 Tbsp Sea […]
Droopy Granola Recipe

I got this recipe from a friend I used to work with long ago at the Cafe On The Banke by the Stawberry Bank Museum in Portsmouth. Phil was one heck of a cook- Oh and I also used to call him Droopy Dog- you know the elevator dog from the Loony Tunes? The one […]
The Importance Of Routine & Ayurveda

Ayruveda is the perfect system of health to follow- for almost everything in my opinion, but especially for a reboot. It’s what I fell in love with, that started me on my own journey to wellness. Ayurveda- connects us to our natural rhythms. Getting up no later than 7am helps us to tune into our […]
Herbal Allies For Pests On Your Pets

I’m no stranger to fleas. You see one and your know there are hundreds more… lurking….waiting. Bah. There is plenty of research listing the risks and dangers of chemical based pest products for our pests like Frontline & Advantage. And while “natural” alternatives like essential oils are not synthetic chemicals & are from plant based […]
A Glimpse Of Kapha Dosha

Spring is here- and that means so is Kapha Season on the ayurvedic wheel of the seasons. Kapha is made of the elements earth & water. Think of the little sprouts of the crocus & daffodil slowly springing from the wet earth and that’s kapha in a nutshell It’s heavy, slow, cool, damp, slow moving, […]