The Importance Of Routine & Ayurveda

Ayruveda is the perfect system of health to follow- for almost everything in my opinion, but especially for a reboot. It’s what I fell in love with, that started me on my own journey to wellness.

Ayurveda- connects us to our natural rhythms.

Getting up no later than 7am helps us to tune into our creative & mental productivity.
The dosha vata rules 4am-7am time of morning and it’s the dosha that stimulates mental activity, inspiration, clarity of thought, creativity, physical energy, desire to learn & explore and be open to what the day has in store for us.

Waking up in that time frame allows us to connect to and utilize that important vata energy to get us going for our day!

If you’ve ever noticed that on the days you let yourself sleep in past 7-7:30- you always feel a lot more sluggish and hesitant to even want to get out of bed at all!

I find myself doing this when I wake up before my alarm- which is most days. The funny part is, is that when I wake up at 5am without an alarm clock, I’m alert, wide awake and energized, but sometimes the other part of you wants to stay and snuggle with your partner- which is always lovely- but when I do and fall back asleep, waking up another 2 hrs. later- I always wished I hadn’t because I feel sluggish and lethargic.

That’s because kapha dosha rules the 7-10 am & pm time of day. This is the dosha that is slow but steady to motivate, is wonderful for meditation & quiet activities, introspection and spiritual emotional work- hence wanting to lay back down in bed and go back to dream land.

This happens on the flip side too!
Going to bed no later than 10:30 is important because our last dosha pitta, rules 10-12 . If you’re a night owl, you’ve probably noticed that you get your second wind around 11-11:30 at night. You want to send out that last email, grade that last paper, do that last load of laundry… this is because pitta is in full swing! Pitta is fiery, aggressive, determined and always want to get shit done! It’s our motivator in ayurveda. BUT at night 10pm-2 am we need that fiery, powerful energy for the detoxification that happens when we’re resting in bed. If we’re up getting last minute work done and snacking on chips, this can’t happen- or at least not so effectively.  This is also why ayurveda encourages us to eat our biggest meals at lunch (12-2pm) because pitta energy is there to help us metabolize and assimilate our food to give us that fire boost to move us through the rest of our day.

The ayurvedic clock doesn’t stop there either~ each of the three doshas also connects to the qualities of the time of year & seasons, to the foods we eat, to the books we read, to our own personalities and tendencies and even what we think about and how we process the world around us. Ayurveda is a complicated, intricate system and truly a lifestyle one can follow- but one that makes sense on the deepest of levels, reminding us that we’re all part of this unique and beautiful web of life.

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