Are You A Tick Magnet?

Don’t let those bugs keep you from enjoying your Spring, Summer and even Fall (they love the cold weather ya know…) to the fullest! Whether it’s a long hike in the woods, gardening or just hanging out in the backyard, there are many simple ways to protect yourself & your loved ones from the dreaded tick.

1. Keep Your Immune System “Strong Like Ox” (said in an accent.)

This seems an obvious thing and yet we often overlook its importance. A strong immune system makes it harder for microbes, viruses and negative bacteria to prevail and wreak havoc on our systems. The same goes for being preyed upon by bugs. It’s been proven that ticks in fact seek out the weak to attack and infect, more so than animals with a strong defense- or immune system. Since we’re ALSO animals, the same is true for us. So let’s keep our immune system strong with these helpers:

*Probiotics: the good guy bacteria we need in our gut for proper digestion & immune function. You can find encapsulated probiotics at your local health foods store for the greatest benefit or in fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha, kefir and yogurt.

*Eating a whole foods diet focused on fresh fruits and veggies- especially greens.

*Pure clean water intake- and lots of it- at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces.

*Take immune enhancing herbs like Astragalus & Eleuthro on a regular basis- especially during tick season. I find tincture form is the most potent. Ask your health care practitioner for details.

*Manage your stress, whatever that looks like for you. Meditation or breath work, exercise or just taking time out for you….whatever works- because stress is one of our worst enemies for a healthy mind, body & spirit.

2. Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself- of rather, the tick does.

Ticks, whether or not they bite, sure do like crawling all over you assessing the situation-but hey, as long as they don’t bite- you’re in the clear! BUT do check yourself often. They love all of our nooks and crannies-yes you know the ones… so each time you go inside to use the restroom, or back to the tent while camping- shake out your clothes and check your body: arm pits, behind the knees, ears, hair, under breasts and nether regions thoroughly. LOOK HARD deer ticks can be really TINY!

3. Make Friends With Essential Oils. (Use Essential Oils With Care PLEASE!)

Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Lavender, Rose Geranium, Lemon Eucalyptus & Lemon Tea Tree are the heavy hitters when it comes to tick prevention. Essential oils are versatile, anti-microbial in action and they smell great! Here are a few easy ways to use them:

*Make your own tick spray: buy a 1 ounce spray bottle, fill with water or a combination of witch hazel and water, then add 1-15 drops of essential oils. Shake well and spray your skin, hair and clothing as needed. If you want a heavier blend that will last longer on your skin, use a carrier oil like grapeseed, almond or olive oil instead of water in a 1 ounce pump bottle. Again add the 10-15 drops of eo’s, shake well and apply to skin before dressing yourself.

If you’re looking for an exact recipe to follow:

Per 1oz. Bottle:

4 Drops Lavender, 4 Drops Tea Tree, 1 Drop Lemongrass, 2 Drops Lemon Eucalyptus, 6 Drops Rose Geranium 

*Add them to everything! I love using tea tree essential oil ( I find that ticks hate this essential oil the most). In the shower after a day outside in tick-land (aka the garden!), I use unscented Dr. Bronners castille soap and add tea tree essential oils to it. Once again using the 10-15 drops of eo’s per ounce ratio. Another option is buying (or making!) an unscented body lotions to lube yourself up with after a nice hot shower (btw ticks HATE hot temperatures- so make your shower extra steamy!)

4. A Non-essential Oil To Love.

Neem Seed Oil is a pressed oil from the seed of the Native Indian Tree- the Neem Tree. It smells a little like garlic and peanut butter to me ( I know, gross), but man does it work! Add this to your tick repellent oil or spray and give it an extra punch for tick prevention! The Neem tree is known for it’s anti-EVERYTHING properties. From fungus, parasites, microbes and even malaria- Neem is your plant to kick butt. Neem seed oil is also an excellent choice for keeping ticks off your pets, as animals are often too sensitive for essential oil use. Simply dilute Neem seed oil (6 drops per ounce) in a carrier oil of choice and rub into your pet’s collar. Put the collar on your furry friend (or ruffle the oil blend into their fur- or both!) and they will be good to go! Refresh the collar with new Neem oil every few weeks.

5. Meet Your Herbal Allies.

Since ticks are the culprit for Lyme disease and it’s co-infections, prevention is key. Prevention of getting bit by a tick and keeping our bodies strong to combat the possible infection (heaven forbid) is where we need the most help. The herbs are here to do that for us.

*Garlic: A heavy duty herb that boosts immune function, flushes viruses and microbes, calms inflammation, boosts circulation, repels parasites and fungus and so much more- EAT UP!

*Astragalus: As mentioned above, Astragalus is and amazing adaptogenic herb, which really just means it’s a “super hero” herb. Adaptogens have the ability to bring our bodies back to balance, enhance or modulate immune function and aid in combating stress of all kinds- pretty great right?! Astragalus has a particular affinity to the immune function and it has an anti-spirochetal action (spirochetes are the bacteria like critters that come with Lyme.)

*Eleuthro: As mentioned above is another adaptogen specific for boosting immunity in a very depleted and stressed states as well as supporting adrenal function.

*Stinging Nettle: One to the most mineral rich herbs that gives the whole body a boost! I call it an herbal “multi-vitamin”. Nettle is specific for supporting an building a healthy nervous system but offers a myriad of other benefits-one of my absolute favs!

*Red Rood Bark: Red root gets things moving! Especially the lymph which is where we often have a lot of toxins built up in our systems. Getting the lymph moving and supporting our liver/spleen function, Red root will help out bodies get back on track in no time.

You can find all of the above herbs in tea, tincture or capsule from at your local health foods store. I find that tinctures are the most potent and fast acting form of herbal medicine. As your health practitioner for guidance.

In conclusion, don’t choose to live in fear over ticks & their possible infections and deprive yourself of time enjoying Mother Nature- act now, prevent, now, just plain take care yourself now and not only will you stay tick free, you’ll just feel fantastic.


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