You Know Pitta Is Talking When…

Pitta season… it’s in full swing, and even though we may not be hitting 90 degree weather as of yet here in the NE Seacoast… the fire is building!

Regardless of your prakruti, we will always experience a rise in Pitta dosha during the Pitta time of year. Pitta season runs around mid to late may all the way through the end of August, beginning of September.

So what does this mean? It means we all need to keep our “fire” in check.

Pitta is the dosha that is made of the elements water & fire. It’s hot, moist & sharp in nature. It rules a portion of the stomach the small intestine, liver, gallbladder and has everything to do with the breaking down & assimilating of nutrients as well as the elimination of waste from our bodies through the liver & skin.  When there is inflammation going on in the mind or body, whether it’s chronic or acute, that’s Pitta’s work.

You’ll know your Pitta Is Talking If:

*Your stools are loose, yellow or greenish & there are food particles in them

*The coating on your tongue first thing in the morning is yellow/greenish & smelly

*You struggle with bad smelling breath

*You experience acne, rashes or irritated skin

*Becoming physically hot makes you cranky

*You experience acid reflux

*You get irritated/angry/frustrated easily and may lose your temper

*If you menstruate, you bleed heavily during your cycle

*Spicy foods make you pay later

*You wake up every night between 1 and 3 am

*You feel the desire to debate & argue just for the sake of it

*You are critical, judgmental towards other and tend to gossip

*You are a slave to the night owl routine & stay up way past 10:30pm getting “last minute things” done


So, what do you think? Is Pitta chatting you up??

Here is how to bring Pitta back to balance…

*Limit spicy foods

*Drink lots of water

*Go easy on yourself, you don’t have to be perfect

*Limit alcohol (veer towards beer/bitters), fried food, refined sugar & fermented foods, nightshades ( peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, raw onion)  as these all add more fire to Pitta’s flame!

*Choose exercise that is slower paced, instills more stress relief & is cooling- ie swimming, hatha yoga, dancing, kayaking

*Support your liver with herbs like Dandelion root, Burdock Root, Yellow Dock Root, Chamomile, Lemon Balm & Nettle

*Eat cooked foods that are naturally bitter, astringent & sweet (Dandelion greens, green beans, sweet potato)

*Take many minutes throughout your day to BREATHE. with intention. High Pitta’s tend to hold their breath when stressed.

*Get to bed before 10:30. The energy of Pitta rules 10-12 am & pm… so while that second wind at night can feel like a good idea to be more productive, we’re actually robbing from our body’s “detox” time.

*Practice a head to toe body massage with coconut oil (called abhyanga )  before hopping in the shower. Coconut oil helps to cool Pitta and nourish the skin. All the oil to soak in during your shower, rub it in*to your skin and don’t use soap to wash it off. Just wash your “important parts” with soap:)


*When you’re feeling cranky, practice gratitude 🙂

*Stay out of the direct sun for long periods of time.


Have any Pitta questions? Hit me up! I’m a Pitta-Vatta prakruiti so I’ve got lots of Pitta experience lol! xo A



2 Replies to “You Know Pitta Is Talking When…”

  1. I am so Pitta!!! Thanks for this information. It’s the season of feeling hot and cranky, arguments and rashes. Welcome Summer 😉

  2. Bahaha! You’re in good company my friend! Time for cool showers, cucumber mojitos ( we’ll find some virgin recipes) and deep breathing! xoxoA

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