Everybody Gets Sick Sometimes

We work ourselves ragged, we stop making time for self care, start eating on the go, our schedules are filled to the brim and we don’t make time to stop, reset, regroup.  In our downtime with our families or friends we start “indulging” more as a “treat” or “reward”, because “Hey, I’ve been working hard! Non-stop! I deserve it!” Whether its grabbing sweets, drinks, fast foods or all of the above. Before we know it this continues to happen week after week, even when a little voice inside your head is telling you, “Hey, watch it! Slow down!  Time to put down that cookie! Have you practiced yoga today? Can you please eat something green today? Enough with the emails! Go to bed!” And you hear the voice and know what it’s telling you is true and valuable, but you’re stuck in the cycle. Then it happens. That first sniffle. Then the scratchy throat. You say,”Oh! First symptoms! I got this! Time to get back on the health wagon, drink more water, rest, vitamins, greens, etc, etc.” And you do, for a day or two. But then the weekend comes and it’s time to “treat” indulge again. The weekend comes and goes, and you wake up on Monday: Full. Blown. Misery. A cold has hit you.

Well, maybe this isn’t your story exactly but it’s what typically happens to me, and what quite literally happened to me this past week.

And hey, I know it’s a contradiction to what I teach. Here I am helping people on a regular basis trying to live their best lives and be their healthiest selves and I’M the once catching the cold.

But it happens. I’m human. I don’t walk my talk 100% of the time and I fall off and on my health wagon quite a bit. But I take full ownership, full responsibility of the consequences too.

When we get sick, it’s a large flashing neon sign that we’ve not been taking care of our basic needs.  And we need to STOP.  It happens and it’s okay. But there’s no denying the reality of it. Disease, imbalance & sickness, is the only way our bodies can communicate to us that “things are not going well” and when we’ve ignored the little voice in our head telling us what we know is better (if we have that voice!), we need the slap up side the head to really get the message.

What I’m saying is not to make you feel guilty, or angry about how little or how much self care practice you have in your life or how often you get sick. It’s to remind you that getting sick isn’t just an annoying inconvenience, it’s simply our bodies being maxed out, and not getting what it needs to thrive. And it really can be as simple as that.

What’s the trick to avoid getting sick? Prevention! Making time for you. Because you’re worth it.

Instead of waiting to get sick in order to take care of ourselves, what if we took care of ourselves every day? Or most days? Or as many days as we’re able- with love and intention? That sounds like a better plan.

Do you think I’m being a bully? Telling you that every time you get sick that it’s your fault because you just aren’t doing a good enough job taking care of yourself? Well, your right. I kind of am (sorry it’s my Saturn influence talking). There are of course many factors involved with our health, but we have so much POWER to influence our health- SO MUCH more power than we think we do. Isn’t that amazing? That we as individuals can influence our health SO, SO MUCH?

While some people hear this and think of it as a heavy weight they must carry with them, knowing that much of the responsibility is up to them, I hear the news and I rejoice! I think, “I can make a difference in my health? I can make myself happier and healthier with the choices I make in my life? Yahooo!”, I love it. Fewer things feel more empowering.

So, look at it however you want. Empowered? Overwhelmed? Frustrated? It’s up to you. But know that we all (Me, me me!) fall on and off our “health” wagon and let things fall to the wayside from time to time. We all get sick. BUT, we can be our own heroes again and again and hop back on the wagon and give ourselves exactly what we need to start thriving again. And you know… start simple: eat well, sleep well, drink well, move well, breathe well. Pick one thing, get consistent and then go from there. That will always get you back on track. Don’t ever forget how powerful you are.

Also…Elderberry NEVER hurts 🙂 .

Much love to you all on your healing paths! xoA

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