Still Not Clear About My Work? Let Me Clarify…

I’ve realized recently that since I stopped selling herbal products (several years ago!) even some of my close friends & family don’t actually understand what I do for work- they can’t really put it into words. And then I realized, wow. Maybe I’m not being clear on what I do either… hence; this blog post.

If I could describe in one sentence what I do for work it’s this: I Teach People How To Feel Better- Mind, Body & Spirit.

How do I do this you may ask? I remind people that taking care of themselves, isn’t actually rocket science- but THEY have to do the work- a magic pill can’t do that for them.

Challenging? Yes, at first. Time consuming? Sometimes. But absolutely and completely worth it? Hell yes.

My favorite saying is; “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” It’s so true. You can try, but you will fail.

A big part of my work is convincing people that health begins with prioritizing themselves and listening to their bodies. Not always an easy task.

Who do I work with? I honestly attract mostly women (an occasional fellow, now and again), with a health struggle they want to break through. Reproductive woes, anxiety, insomnia, cancer support, joint pain, digestive issues, fatigue, depression, eating disorders…. the list of physical diagnosis people seek me out for is variable. But the one thing all of my clients have in common is the determination to make real, big, permanent changes to transform their lives for the better.

I’m an herbalist first and foremost, but when you meet with me at our first appointment, we may not even talk about herbs… yet. Why? Well, firstly because I’m Not An Allopathic Herbalist… But also because there is SO MUCH MORE TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS than just taking an herb, pill, tea, tincture… etc.

Food, hydration, work, movement, emotions, stress support, play, sex, (astrology- most recently!!!) dreams, goals, friendships, spirituality… you name it, we talk about it- because it ALL relates to and has an enormous bearing on your health AND your happiness. All of these little pieces make up the whole of your life- and they all matter. Once we paint a bright beautiful picture of you, your life and your wellness goals, only then do we start to look at our helpers, our tools and match them up with you accordingly.

Ayurvedic practices, whole foods, herbs, essences, Restorative Reiki, yoga, essential oils, journeying, meditation, prayer… the options are endless and yet, it’s so important to find the correct fit. Each person is completely unique in their make up and needs, just as is each tool is unique in what it offers each individual. With delving deep into who you are, your strengths, weaknesses and imbalances, we’re able to find the best suited allies for you on your path. These tools will not only help you in this moment, but over the course of your entire life as well.

Why do I do this work, is yet another question you may have. This is an easy one.

Because there is nothing else in the world I’d rather be doing than helping people become their happiest, healthiest, most kick-ass versions of themselves possible. Seriously, what’s better than that?

Life is for living, for loving, for playing, for exploring, for enjoying. PERIOD.

This is the only “meat suit” (as my sister often calls it) we’ve got this time around, let’s take care of it and enjoy the ridiculously amazing ride.

Never forget that when we live our best lives & take care of ourselves, the whole Universe thrives. It does. This is a fact. xoA