Taking Care Of Our Lovely Pelvic Parts

There are so many things to discuss when talking about nourishing and supporting our “pelvic vessel” and all of the very important parts that reside in it!

But just like any health issue at all…. we have to look at the basics… and start simply.

For those of you who follow me, brace yourself for the broken record that is Amanda Stanley… but it’s only cause these things are so damn important to take note of. Sure there are 100’s of herbs that can help with a myriad of health imbalances, but if you aren’t offering your mind & body its basic needs for daily support then you will fall short of truly getting back in balance in the end.

So, before jumping into integrative tools & herbs to help, let’s answer these questions..

Are you drinking enough water?
Are you moving your body daily?
Are you eating predominately whole foods?
Are you getting at least 6-8 hrs of restful sleep every night?
Are you making time for intentional breath/meditation or other forms of stress support?

If you answered no to any of the above then that is where you start first and foremost!

Those 5 points are incredibly important to overall health and cannot be ignored. Master these and add them to your daily routine and these alone will make incredible shifts for you, I promise.

Moving on, I’d like to jump on my own little soap box for a moment…

1.PMS does not have to exist in any way shape or form. Migraines, cramps, tender breasts, mood swings…. however common are not experienced when the body is given what it needs to thrive during our moon time.

2. No matter what your pelvic “situation” is a hysterectomy/surgery is not the only option! Many folks are offered this procedure and are sometimes made to feel it’s their only way out to feel better- I promise you it is not. Looking at your body as the holistic and magical machine that it is, there is so much we can do and offer it to make its way back into a balanced state. I’m also not poo-pooing hysterectomies & surgeries.. if this is an option that feels 100% A-OK with you than wonderful, have at it and thank goodness we have the science to do it! Everyone has to choose what suits them and makes them feel the best. I just like to make sure people know they have options!

3. How freaking amazing that folks with uteri are creatures of creation!! We can grow lives in our bellies! This should be honored, celebrated and cherished. Our moon cycles which foster this creative power should also be celebrated. Half of the menstrual discomfort that women experience every month is because of the dread of our cycles. If we began to look at our cycles as the magic they are, that would create a shift in how our physical bodies experience them too. In fact there is finally an amazing company dedicated to prepping and supporting young women coming into their menstrual cycles in an empowering and exciting way. I wish I had Hello Flo around when I was just starting!

Now Let’s Get To The Specifics To Support Our Pelvic Parts!

It’s all about the liver love. Yes, our poor overworked, over-stressed livers!

As you may know everything- and I mean EVERYTHING must get filtered and processed by our liver- including hormones!

When we support healthy liver function we support overall health function and more specifically healthy moon cycles & lady parts.

Ways To Love Your Liver:

1.Eat Greens! Need recipe inspiration? Beets are also a lovely liver supporter and all things bitter! Dandelion greens, beet greens, kale, collards, romaine, chard, spinach…. change them up and get creative- casseroles, stir-fries, soups, salads, smoothies there are so many ways to eat them! Eat at least 3 helpings of greens daily.
2.Herbal Allies: Dandelion root is one of my absolute favorite liver supporters. It’s bitter but also has a sweetness to it and you can find it as a coffee substitute in any natural food store to boot! Yellow dock root is another very bitter and very mineral rich herb to work with. It’s affinity is with those of us who have trouble assimilating nutrients (unprocessed food in your stools) and may even be anemic. It’s also helpful for moving the bowels gently if you veer towards constipation. Burdock root, the sweetest of the bitter roots is a wonderful supporter of all thing detox as well as an endocrine supporter which of course our lady parts are very much a part of- 2 for the price of 1! You’ll be mad at me for this next suggestion but I promise it will serve you well. Skip the capsules on herbs. Taste your medicine! Make an overnight infusion or simple tea. Or perhaps you’d like to make a combined root tonic? Fire Cider which has an incredible amount of cleansing, warming and detoxifying herbal allies present is also a fantastic adjunct to keeping your liver loved- and it’s an excellent preventative cold and flu season remedy and it’s never too soon to start on prevention.
3. Reduce- or even better completely remove processed foods, alcohol, fried foods, highly processed grains (try sprouted bread!), all diet drinks and sweeteners, soda, white processed sugars (sucanat, raw honey and maple syrup are great alternatives).
4.Break up with xenoestrogens! Xenos are synthetic estrogen that are major hormone disruptors and they are hiding everywhere! In plastics, cosmetics, pesticides, food dyes, preservatives… Do what you can to get rid of all plastic in your life, processed foods and packaging and manufactured chemicals.. Read here for more tips on avoiding xenos in your life.
5.Drink water. Wait didn’t I already mention that? Lol. 1/2 your body weight in ounces by the way- straight up water! You can flavor it though if you’d like:)

Other Ways To Support Healthy Pelvic Parts:

Maya Abdominal Massage  I had the privilege to take a course from Dr. Rosita Arvigo on women’s reproductive health. The focus of the course was using herbs & abdominal massage for an array of reproductive issues caused by displaced uteri & intestines. This gentle form of massage is practiced by licensed and certified practitioners all over the world and some folks experience miraculous changes with just one visit! I myself am now trained & Certified in the Arvigo selfcare. I highly recommend this course. Check out classes in your area here! Whether you receive a treatment from a practitioner or decide to learn the self care treatment, if you’re experiencing pelvic part woes I highly recommend looking into this ancient, gentle and effective treatment to support pelvic health. (A great way to start massaging yourself is with simple belly massage that I love to practice nightly!)
Vaginal Steams & Prostate Steams! I’ve studied with Rosita as well as other traditional herbalists that covered this topic from a Mayan, Traditional Chinese & westernized approach to this very old & effective practice. Although Gwenyth Paltrow has been bringing this ancient practice to the forefront via the media, v-steams have been around for centuries and for good reason! Just like our guts need a good cleaning every now and again, so does our uterus & prostate! Sometimes we have a buildup of tissue, toxins and other fluid in our our pelvic region & for those who menstruate- between menstruation that needs to be cleared.

For those who bleed, if you have a period that begins or ends with “brown blood”, has clots and mucous or is slow to start- v-steams will help you to tone, cleanse and rejuvenate your pelvic floor, vagina & or penis & prostate- and by the way they feel AMAZING! Yes, I’ve done vaginal steaming on my own at home- it’s simple, safe and effective. Regular v-steams help to support over all health of the uterus & it’s ligaments (helping to avoid prolapse of bladder & uterus) as well as combat symptoms of PMS, increase circulation , increase fertility and so many other ailments that people suffer from in our nether regions. Are you freaked out? That’s okay I get it. But if you’re curious enough to give it a whirl in the comfort of your home, like I did, I highly recommend it *****Please DO NOT DO VAGINAL STEAMS if you’re pregnant, are actively trying to get pregnant or have extremely heavy bleeding during your cycle or have an IUD ( steam has the possibility of dislodging the device)***

For A Simple At Home V-Steam…

For Menstruating Folks~Start the vaginal steams 3 days before your first day of bleeding or steam the first 3 days after you stop bleeding.

Menopausal Folks~ Cycles shift and change going through menopause, so do the best you can to guess around 3 days before you have your cycles to begin steaming 3 days in a row.

For Non-Bleeding Folks~ Follow the cycles of the moon. Beginning a day before the full moon, steam 3 days in a row. Repeat monthly.

Postpartum Folks: Steam 1-3x weekly for 1 month after your vaginal tissue has healed. Once your moon cycle comes back follow your cycle.

DIRECTIONS: Add 2 quarts of water in a big stock pot. Add about 2 cups fresh plant material (chopped) or 1 cup dried plant material. ( *Any aromatic herbs may be used like Sage, Rosemary, Basil, Marigold, Oregano, Lemon balm, Mugwort, Thyme, Yarrow, Tulsi, Lavender….) (Update! I also used a rice cooker & kept in on “steam” which works for longer “sits”. You use less water & 1/2 the amount of herbs).

Bring to a boil then cover and shut off letting it sit for 10 minutes or so.

Remove the cover from the stock pot and place under the seat of the plant stand (commode.. chair.. whatever your using as your “throne”).

Put your plant stand near a wall so you’ll be able to relax against it when you’re ready.

Get yourself ready with “doughnut cushion” over the top of the plant stand and big robe or blanket to wrap yourself in ensuring that you keep the steam under you.

Don’t forget to keep your low back warm and feet covered during the steam, as well as after.

After “airing ” the pot out for a minute or so “drop trousers” and have a seat and test the heat of the steam.

If it feels good- not too hot go ahead and wrap yourself up. If it’s too hot… let it cool off a bit more.

When you settle in make sure that the doughnut cushion is not blocking the steam from your vagina. Make sure it’s getting the steam!

Then sit back and relax.

Take your time and when you can’t feel the steam any longer (20-30 min.) you’re done!

Keep yourself wrapped and warm (feet too!) and rest for an hour or so.

Do this 3 days in a row ( right before your first bleeding day) each month for full benefits.

Anything will do as a base as long as there is some sort of hole or holes. An old commode, a milk crate, and old chair you don’t mind cutting a hole into.. here I’ve used a plant stand! Lol!

A close up of the “doughnut” towel

Close up of the whole set up…

Full setup with and extra brown towel to drape over the front of my legs where my robe won’t reach, again to avoid the steam escaping and and extra towel on the floor in case I have a klutzy moment and spill the pot of water!

One Last Thing…

As a culture we don’t discuss penises, vaginas, masturbation, orgasms or sex nearly enough! For whatever reason we’ve made these conversations taboo when they really needn’t be. I discovered Kim Anami this past year and I think she’s brilliant. She’s sometimes crass, has very strong opinions, and sheds a lot of light on the role of sex in our lives- whether it’s self lovin, spouse lovin’ or partner lovin’. Kim teaches the importance of a strong vagina (according to Kim we should all be able to shoot ping pong balls out of our vag- yes you heard me) as well as strong healthy sexual relationships with lot’s of different kinds of orgasms. Kim believes that this is important not only for healthy relationships with our partners but for a healthy relationship with ourselves and our life’s path. Vaginal Kung Fu is one of her online programs she offers and is all about toning up and loving that vagina of yours (and your breast health too!) Having a strong vagina is so important for not just better sex, but a stronger womb to avoid things like prolapse later in life. I strongly believe that lots of sex and lots of attention to your vagina is another very integral part of making our lady parts happy. If you’re curious please check out this site. It’s super enlightening.

So that’s my food for thought around all things loving your lady parts. Whatever your lady part woes are remember to take baby steps and start with the small stuff first (aka the 5 starting points!) and embrace the creative creature you are!! The root & belly chakra (where you lady parts reside) are all about manifesting your dreams, being grounded, trusting that you’re supported and creating things you love. So get out there and play, create and reconnect to your passions. Remember there is no disconnect to the mind-body & spirit. Every aspect needs our love and attention and each one affects the other.

Remember that imbalances take time to appear and they will take time to disappear- but they absolutely will shift, change and heal with dedicated attention and commitment. Your body is constantly shifting, changing, shedding, rebuilding every second of every day. Every moment really can be a new beginning to make changes and to give your mind, body & spirit the things that it needs to thrive! No matter what anyone tells you- don’t forget it!

Start with baby steps and you won’t go wrong! Need a cheerleader? I’m an email away.

Have a question you’d like answered? Don’t hesitate!

Per usual this blog is offered for educational purposes only. Seek guidance from your health care practitioner if you are pregnant, nursing, are taking medications or have a serious health imbalance.

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