Breaking Taboos For Our Health

For some time now we’ve been inundated through the media with lots of information about rape culture, gender rights, sexism, racism and the like. It’s made me think on some of the taboos we hold in this country especially involving our sexuality- or at least our reproductive parts. In honor of the moon being in Scorpio presently ( a sign who rules the reproductive organs) I though it was worth discussing.

Recently, I had a friend text me a question about prostate health and I mentioned prostate massage. He nearly had a conniption because he thought I was making light of his issue- but I wasn’t.  Not only is prostate massage a thing- it’s an effective preventative measure to prostate health for many reasons whether you do it yourself or have a partner help. And it also turns out that a healthy sex life (again with or without a partner) also can be an essential factor of a healthy functioning prostate.
Why are we so touchy about body parts and a healthy sex life? It’s not like we have to go discussing these things at the water bubbler at work, but who cares if we did?  We have all of our body parts for a reason, we may as well take care of them guys! These topics are only a “thing” because we’ve made them one.

Another example is the topic of women’s moon cycles and miscarriage.
Did you know that over 20% of women miscarry, and many of them don’t even know it because they just begin to bleed like they would during their cycle? And that there are many factors that effect miscarriage and many of them don’t have anything to do with what the mom did or didn’t do? And though there are some guidelines to help in avoiding miscarriage, most doctors don’t actually have a firm grasp on why they happen in the first place?

What I feel is missing culturally is the sharing and discussion of miscarriage- without the “hush hush” attitude, the shame and guilt that people can put on families that have gone through it. People who have gone through miscarriage need to hear shared stories and feel like they have support and to be told “It’s okay! You’re not alone. It happens and it’s unfair but you’ll get through it.” I feel we’re moving in that direction more and more with people coming out and sharing their miscarriage stories publicly but I think we can still do better.

And finally- Ladies! Are you HONORING and CELEBRATING your moon cycles? Whether you’re menstruating, pre-menopausal, menopausal or post-menopausal?

Often when I talk to women they talk about abhorring their menstrual cycles.

We bleed because we create life. How freaking amazing is that?  Did you know that having uncomfortable and painful moon cycles is not necessary and there are many ways to support our lady parts so that we can enjoy our moontime?

I was working with a client recently that was having pretty debilitating menstrual cycles and dreaded them each month. I suggested that when she had her next cycle that she celebrated it rather than dreaded it. I told her to wear her most favorite clothes, maybe adorn herself with red jewelry or scarves or perhaps bright red lipstick or nails in honor of the moon. To treat herself to some pampering and let her husband know too that it was a time to celebrated.

She came back to see me a few weeks later and told me that her moontime was the best it’s been in a long time and that she had hardly any discomfort at all. All from a simple shift of mindset.

So much of the ideas we hold in our mind are learned from culture- what we’re fed through media, through friends and family and other peoples experiences. These beliefs and thoughts get into our brains and they become our own- even though they aren’t.

A women’s cycles aren’t gross, it’s not shameful or embarrassing it’s an amazing gift we’ve been given as women and it’s about time we see it for what it is- a privilege.

Even after a woman has stopped bleeding  she still continues to follow the cycles of the moon only now fostering the creative energy in a different way, more profound and spiritual way.

Can we stop with these taboos? Especially the ones that keep us disconnected and shameful about our bodies? Let’s make some change, normalize topics that are shunned with no good reason and take our power back into important self love, self acceptance and self care. xoA

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