Allies For Clarity & Focus

Ah, yes. This question comes up a lot and with good reason! We’re an overworked world filled with type A’s who just don’t know how to stop:) I can relate.
So other than caffeinated herbals, who can help us on a more holistic front for energy and focus?

{I could go on for days and days around the uses of herbs in all of they’re glory.. but I’m going to keep it super simple an succinct for this here article…}

My favorite allies for more energy without the caffeine!

*Nettle leaf (Urtica dioica) (if you tend to run dry (dry hair skin & nails etc…) add some Violet leaf (1/4 part) to the mix!)
*Oat Tops (Avena sativa)
*Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

These three tonifying herbs are my go-to’s to get the boost of coffee without it. In fact I offer this blend to folks who use coffee not just for it’s delicious flavor but for the boost it gives them in the AM. All three are incredibly high in minerals and nutrients to give your body a sort of multi-vitamin boost! Nettle leaf is particularly wonderful as it is very rich in chlorophyll which gives it a beautiful deep green color.

I suggest doing an overnight infusion (= parts of each herb. ) and drinking 32oz throughout the day every day for the best results.

Herbs For Focus & Clarity

*Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

*Holy Basil (Tulsi)

*Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)

*Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

This has been my favorite focus & clarity blend for some time now! Gingko increases blood flow to the brain, as does Gotu Kola which is also ideal for folks who suffer from ADHD and similar mental imbalances. Holy Basil otherwise known as Tulsi is another one of those superpower herbs that helps to fight stress and support a strong immune system, but Tulsi also has an affinity for calming anxiety and lifting the spirits which is often needed in times of stress and lack of focus, usually due to overwhelm. Rosemary is known as the herb for “remembrance”.  It’s  well known culinary herbs rich in antioxidant activity, but also increases circulation to the brain enhancing mental productivity and memory specifically. I love using the essential oil in smelling salts or a little perfume throughout the day to encourage focus & memory as well- but internal use of Rosemary is incredibly helpful.  Using these herbs (= parts) in an overnight infusion (Ginkgo is best in tincture form), on a daily basis can be very helpful for chronic memory & focus concerns, and I find that using this combination in tincture form throughout the day as needed is a wonderful fast acting ally for keeping you on track from moment to moment.

Water!!! Don’t forget to drink plenty of water! It helps everything… like for real:)

A special note about our magical herb friends! Some people respond quickly to herbs… some do not. Many people give up on herbal medicine before they give it the time it deserves to really sink in. Choose your herbal regimen and then stick with it!! For at least 1 month! They WILL serve you well, I promise you that and often there needs to be a time for transition…so patience is required! xoxox

Have questions? Concerns? Need clarification? Don’t hesitate!

And keep these awesome questions coming! xoxo

Have a question you’d like answered? Hit me up!

***Per usual all of the information on this site is not meant to diagnosis, prescribe or treat and medical condition. The information here is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner if you are pregnant, nursing, are taking medications or have a serious health condition.

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