Change Can’t Happen If You Won’t.

Life can be incredibly overwhelming. The amazing stuff, the challenging stuff & the downright debilitating stuff.

It’s very easy to fall into holding patterns & cycles that serve us for a period of time. And it’s just as easy to stay in those patterns way past their point of helpfulness.

The thing is, humans have the tendency of not trusting themselves, of not listening, of just going through the motions of life as they best they can without ever really stopping and tuning into their TRUTH.

Here’s An Exercise That May Help Create Change….Go Get Something to Write On….

1.How Do You Want To Feel? Here are some examples: Happy, excited, energized, inspired, healthy, peaceful….. Write one or two down. And if you can’t answer this question… stay here until you can- it’s a very important step. Sometimes knowing how you DON’T want to feel (perhaps how you presently feel) is a good place to start- then think of it’s opposite.

2. What things, actions, situations can bring you this feeling? For example: Giving kitties hugs brings me great peace. Practicing yoga leaves me feeling inspired. Seeing friends and family makes me happy.

3. Now here’s the hard part…. go do the thing! Listen to the voice that is telling you “It’s time to feel better, different, make some changes.” The voice that’s telling you to stay put where you are might be louder, but keep listening to that encouraging voice- put your focus there. Then start small… Maybe it starts with taking a walk outside for 5 minutes a day to help clear your head. Maybe it’s letting yourself slow down & take a nap. Maybe it’s signing up for that class you keep seeing pop up on social media. Keep choosing to invite things into your life that give you the feeling (or bring you a little bit closer to the feeling) that you want to experience. It may be that you do it once a week… that’s okay. This practice builds on itself and the more you practice it the easier it will be to continue to practice it.

4. Repeat!

*This is a simple practice, but not an easy one when you’re feeling stuck. AND it works. So don’t give up. Little by little, the quick sand will lessen and change will come. The most important piece is YOUR desire & intention to invite this change in. Don’t give up.

Herbal Support Can Help Create Change!

Herbs can help! Here are two herbal allies that can help guide you a long in the right direction! Use daily & often!

Motivated Heart Tea : Equal Parts Tulsi, Oat tops, Nettle, Rose petals, & Lemon Balm. Buy in bulk at your favorite Natural Foods Store or Herb Shop. Combine all herbs together well & store in a glass jar. Add 1 Tbsp per 8oz hot water steeped for at least 15min. Drink up to 32 oz daily.

Aromatic Spritzer: 1oz Spray bottle, .5oz Witch Hazel, .5oz filtered water, 5 Drops Bergamot essential oil, 10 Drops Mandarin essential oil, 5 Drops Cedarwood Bark essential oil, 3 drops Rescue Remedy flower essence. Combine in spray bottle, shake well & spritz yourself & your surroundings often & especially when you want to “shake things up”! Find all ingredients at your favorite Herbal Pharmacy or Health Food Store.

*All information shared on this site is for educational purposes only. Please use herbs under the guidance of an educated wellness practitioner especially if you are taking prescriptive medication, have a serious health condition, are pregnant or nursing.

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